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George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world.乔治的洞察世情令她叹服。We all secretly marvel at his skill.我们都为他的技能暗自叹服。I have nothing but admiration for the way she tackled those bullies.她对付那些恃强凌弱者的方法令我叹服。We felt at home with her and were impressed with the depth of her knowledge.我们与她在一起很自在,而她渊博的知识令我们叹服。One can only marvel at the way the building has been constructed.人们对这栋建筑的构筑方式深感叹服。You have to admire the artistry of her novels.你不能不为她小说的艺术性所叹服。Walk down Castle Street, admire our little jewel of a cathedral, then wonder at the castle.沿着城堡街走下去,欣赏我们视若珍宝的教堂,继而叹服于城堡的壮观。Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century.半个世纪以来,她的画作一直令公众叹服。The rarity of his humour commands everyone's admiration.他的绝妙幽默使人人叹服。I was amazed at his speed of working.他办事之麻利让我深感叹服。 |