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词汇 to go on
例句 The longer the economic decline is allowed to go on the more difficult it will be to reverse it.经济衰退持续的时间越长,恢复就越困难。We plan to go on Wednesday, subject to your approval.如果你同意,我们打算周三走。You'll have to decide whether you want to stay with your sister or you want to go on holiday; you can't have it both ways.你必须决定是跟姐姐在家还是去度假,不能脚踏两条船。The police had no clues to go on in the murder case.在这一凶杀案中,警方没有可据以进行侦查的线索。When you have mastered one situation you have to go on to the next.一旦控制住了一个局面,又得接着应付下一个。When the matter was put to a vote, the staff voted overwhelmingly not to go on strike.这件事付诸投票的时候,绝大多数员工不赞成罢工。Things came to a head when the workers threatened to go on strike.事情到了紧要关头,工人们威胁要举行罢工。Rivera lost his job, and the family had to go on welfare.里韦拉失业了,他的家人因此要领失业救济金。Her parents were busy preparing to go on holiday.她的父母正忙于准备去度假。Would you two ladies like to go on a double date with me and my friend?两位女士能与我和我的朋友一起约会吗?I was once invited to join their hearty freemasonry, to go on marches with them, attend a jamboree, and spend a weekend climbing.我曾受邀和他们同享手足之情,一起游行、参加欢乐的聚会、周末去爬山。The flight just seemed to go on and on.飞行似乎永远也不会结束。He was to go on to play a major part in the success of the new government.他注定要在新政府的成功之路上发挥重要作用。She watched a few of the games while waiting to go on court.她在等待上场时观看了几场比赛。My uncle turned up trumps and lent me the money to go on holiday.我叔叔竟然很好说话,借给我外出度假用的钱。Any student who wishes to go on the trip should sign this list.凡想去旅行的同学请在这名单上写上自己的名字。I'm going to go on an exchange visit to Paris.我将到巴黎交流参观。We couldn't afford to go on holiday last year.去年我们没有钱去度假。There's very little evidence to go on. 几乎没有可供判断的依据。Sometimes in Phys. Ed. we're allowed to go on the trampolines.我们上体育课有时候可以使用蹦床。It's easy to go on expensive holidays when you have a pay packet the size of hers.如果你的薪水有她那么多的话,花大钱去度假就不在话下了。But you have to go on the facts.但是,你得依照事实。We made a collective decision to go on strike.我们共同做出了举行罢工的决定。If you want to go on a date sometime, you can ask me. But don't count your chickens.如果你什么时候想约我出去玩玩,那就来约我,但是也不要有太大的指望。The men were threatening to go on strike.那些雇员威胁要罢工。Wherever does he get the money from to go on all these exotic journeys?出国旅行这么多趟,他究竟是从哪儿弄到的钱?The population failed to understand the necessity for the war to go on.人们不能理解那场战争再继续下去有什么必要。He is planning to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca.他打算去麦加朝圣。You need a strong stomach to go on the giant roller coaster.要坐这个大型过山车,你得有个强健的胃才行。Only the/a chosen few will get to go on the trip. 只有被选中的几个人才能去旅行。They say God told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.他们说上帝要他们到西半球最贫困的国家去传教布道。It's easy to go on expensive holidays when you have a paycheck the size of hers.如果你的薪水有她那么多的话,花大钱去度假就不在话下了。Tell him not to go on shaping in with such company.叫他别再跟那种人混在一起了。The opera seemed to go on and on for hours.歌剧好像持续了好几个小时。When are you leaving to go on holiday?你们什么时候去度假?Nancy waited breathlessly for him to go on.南希屏息静气等着他说下去。My mom's encouragement determined me to go on with my study.我母亲的鼓励使我决心继续学业。We used to go on school visits to museums and historical buildings.我们上学时常集体参观博物馆和历史建筑。He didn't have the strength to go on fighting.他没有足够的力气继续战斗下去。The principal's speech vindicated the teachers' right to go on strike.校长的讲话为教师的罢课进行了辩护。




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