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词汇 to give in
例句 Both sides refuse to give in this dispute.在这场争论中双方都拒不让步。She was determined not to give in to despair.她决意不对绝望屈服。She had to give in as a result of pressure relayed from her relatives via her parents.由于亲戚通过她的父母向她施加的压力,她只好屈从了。The government refused to give in to the hijackers' threats.政府拒绝屈服于劫机者的威胁。Now her blood was up and she was not going to give in so easily.现在她生气了,就不会那么轻易让步了。The government refused to give in to their demands.政府对他们的要求拒不妥协。The rebels were eventually forced to give in.叛军最后被迫投降。She decided to give in her notice and go freelance.她决定递交辞呈做自由职业者。If you feel the urge for a cigarette, try not to give in to it.如果烟瘾上来,要尽量克制。They had nothing to give in return.他们没有什么东西可以当作回报。She shows no/little inclination to give in to their demands.对于他们的要求,她一点让步的意思都没有。The strike has been going on for weeks, and neither side seems willing to give in.罢工已经持续数周,双方似乎都不愿让步。When pressed, he tends to give in.一受到逼迫他就倾向于妥协。He refused to give in to their demands. 他不肯屈从他们的要求。Miles struggled not to give in to his feelings of anger and hopelessness.迈尔斯拼命控制愤怒和失望之情。The champion refused to give in and went on to win the set.那个冠军没有认输,而是继续拿下了那一局。




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