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These cars are built to last.这些汽车经久耐用。These new fabrics are designed to wear well.这些新面料经久耐用。The leather is supple and sturdy enough to last for years.这种皮革柔韧结实,经久耐用。The roofs are constructed from heavy and durable timbers, usually teak or mahogany.屋顶采用经久耐用的实木,一般是柚木或红木建造。Its other great virtue, of course, is its hard-wearing quality.它的另一个突出优点当然就是经久耐用。Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style.尽管价格昂贵,但它们经久耐用,永不过时。Airlines recommend hard-sided cases for durability.航空公司推荐使用硬边箱,因其经久耐用。This house was built to last.这房子造得经久耐用。Its other great virtue is its hard-wearing quality.它另一个突出的优点就是经久耐用。We try to make things so that they are tough and resilient and lasting.我们试图制造坚固而又经久耐用的产品。The steam engine was the workhorse of the Industrial Revolution.蒸汽机是工业革命中经久耐用的重负荷机器。Our products are built to last.我们的产品经久耐用。These trucks proved their mettle in army transport.部队运输证明这些卡车经久耐用。The bags we sell have very strong seams, so they will last for years.我们卖的包线缝处非常结实,所以经久耐用。 |