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词汇 经典
例句 Mr Prescott concentrated on offering a classic restatement of Labour values.普雷斯科特先生专注于对工党价值观进行经典的阐释。"Wuthering Heights" is a classic of English literature.《呼啸山庄》是一部经典的英国文学作品。His life has been the classic American success story, from rags to riches.他由贫穷到富有的一生,成了美国经典的成功例子。〔That was a beauty of a fight. 那是一场经典之战。His brilliance renders this film an indubitable classic.他的出色表现让这部电影成为了毋庸置疑的经典The movie is a cult hit/classic/favorite.这部电影风靡一时/被奉为经典/最受欢迎。The end/final result of his work was a classic American novel.他工作的最终成果是一部经典的美国小说。The cathedral has classic proportions.大教堂的比例堪称经典Italian filmmakers made their own versions of the classic Hollywood genres - the western, the gangster film, the musical.意大利制片人拍出了他们自己的经典好莱坞式的电影,有西部片、黑帮片、音乐片。It is not just/only/merely a novel; it is a literary classic.它不仅仅是一部小说,更是一部文学经典Be prepared for the colorized version of the classic.看那部经典片的彩色拷贝片要有心理准备。The book is a classic in every sense of the word. 无论从哪方面讲,这本书都是一部经典Wear classic clothes which feel good and look good.穿些既舒适又好看的经典款式的服装。Time has winnowed out certain of the essays as superior.历经岁月淘洗,某些文章终成经典Charles Dickens's timeless classic, 'Oliver Twist'查尔斯・狄更斯永恒的经典 - 《雾都孤儿》She was belting out old Broadway favourites.她在大声地唱着百老汇的经典老歌。The actress dared a new interpretation of the classic role.那位女演员敢于对这一经典角色做出新的诠释。The Retro Theatre is featuring films by Frank Capra this week.经典剧场本周上映弗兰克·卡普拉主演的影片。Professor Carey wrote the classic account of early explorations in Africa and Asia.凯里教授对早期非洲和亚洲的探险活动作过经典的描写。I attempted a classic rock and roll quiff.我尝试着做了一个经典的摇滚飞机头。The books "Alice in Wonderland", "Peter Rabbit", and "Winnie-the-Pooh" are classic examples of anthropomorphism.像《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》、《兔子彼得》和《小熊维尼》这些书都是拟人创作手法的经典例子。Other poems displayed her knowledge of the scriptures, ancient history, and literature.其他诗作都是在炫耀她在经典文献、古代史和文学方面的知识。The band was belting out all the old favourites.乐队正在高声演奏所有的经典老歌。The story has taken on mythic proportions. 这个故事成了著名的经典The movie is a dexterous retelling of a classic love story.影片是对一个经典爱情故事的巧妙复述。A long wool coat is a classic no one should be without.羊毛大衣应该是衣橱里必不可少的经典服装。Their latest movie is a modern version of a classic children's story.他们最新的一部电影是一个经典儿童故事的现代版。The silicon chip is a classic example of the benefits of miniaturization.硅片是体现微型化所带来的裨益的一个经典例子。The trial scene is a classic set piece.庭审这一幕是个经典片段。Howards End is old fashioned film-making at its best.《霍华德庄园》是一部经典的老派电影。It made a refreshing change to see a good old-fashioned movie.换换口味,看一部经典的老式电影会让人觉得耳目一新。The final confrontation on a train is classic thriller material.火车上的最后对峙是惊险小说的经典素材。Under Charlemagne's instructions, many classical texts were recopied.遵照查理曼大帝的命令,许多经典文本被重新誊写。The book fits the classic model of a postmodern narrative.该书属于后现代叙事的经典模型。With his new movie he reboots the classic Western.他新拍的电影重新启动了经典的西部片。The classic album has been remastered, repackaged and rereleased.这张经典专辑经过重新灌制和包装后已经再次发行了。Unfortunately historic American fiction is constantly being used as a stick to beat contemporary British writers with.不幸的是,经典的美国小说经常被用来作为批评当代英国作家的依据。The car neatly blends classic styling into a smooth modern package.这款汽车巧妙地将经典式样融入到流线型的现代设计中。The band powered through a number of new songs before playing some of their classics.演奏经典曲目前,乐队快速演唱了他们的一些新歌。He delivered his speech in classic fashion.他用经典的方式发表了讲话。




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