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例句 Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny.他们的论据经不起一点推敲。She's hypersensitive to any form of criticism.经不起任何批评。The testimony of the chief witness doesn't stand up to scrutiny.主要证人的证词经不起推敲。Some wines don't travel well.有些酒经不起长途运输。Life's too short for moping about.人生苦短,经不起自怨自艾。This wine doesn't travel well.这种葡萄酒经不起长途运输。His work looks all right,but it will not bear scrutiny.他的工作看上去不错,但是经不起细察。We can't afford any unnecessary delays.我们经不起不必要的耽搁。Their vanity could ill bear this blow.他们的虚荣心经不起这一打击。Slipshod work would never pass muster.草率的工作绝对经不起检验。These dishes are not made to withstand rough handling.这些盘子经不起磕碰。His ideas do not stand up to close examination.他的观念经不起仔细琢磨。It's an interesting theory, but I don't think it will stand up to close examination.这理论很有趣,但我认为它经不起仔细推敲。As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with the heat and humidity.他患有哮喘病,经不起高温和潮湿。The monograph is conceptually confused, unclear in its structure and weak in its methodology.这篇专论概念混淆,结构不清,研究方法也经不起推敲。We can ill afford to lose another member of staff.我们可经不起再失去一位员工了。The novel's plot was weak. 这部小说的情节经不起推敲。I am too old to stand the racket.我太老了,经不起这种折腾了。The results don't bear examination.这些结果经不起考验。His argument doesn't bear close scrutiny.他的论据经不起仔细审视。Most of them don't really bear further examination.他们中的大多数确实经不起进一步的检查。All these definitions, while sounding impressive, do not stand up under close scrutiny.所有这些定义虽然听上去煞有其事,但都经不起推敲。This thesis does not stand up to close inspection.这个命题经不起仔细推敲。His alibi would not have withstood cross-examination.他不在犯罪现场的证据应该经不起盘问。The tower proved to be unstable in a high wind.那塔楼后来证明是经不起强风的。The early recordings have hardly stood up well to the passage of time.那些早期的录音经不起时间的考验。The regime was not sufficiently stable to withstand criticism.这个政权并不稳定,经不起批评。He's too old to come through a fall like that.他年纪太大,经不起那么摔一跤。I wasn't going to come, but George twisted my arm.我本来没打算来,但经不起乔治再三劝说。This procedure has improved, but it is still vulnerable to criticism.这一程序已有改善,但仍然经不起批评。




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