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词汇 together
例句 Mix all the ingredients together and place them in a shallow dish.将所有配料搅拌混合后放入浅底盘中。His latest album has outsold all his other records put together.他的最新专辑比他其余所有唱片加起来都卖得好。Researchers have discovered that short-sightedness and high IQs seem to go together in children.研究人员发现好像近视儿童智商高。These workshops, usually of one or two days’ duration, bring teachers and industrial managers together.这些通常为期一两天的讲习班让教师和企业经理聚首一堂。Sometimes, fighting stags become locked together by their antlers.雄鹿在相互争斗的过程中有时鹿角会缠在一起,动弹不得。It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together.想让我们的生活步调保持一致好一起去度假和过周末几乎是不可能的事。In the large cities of Africa, where different ethnic groups with many different languages are thrown together, people communicate in English or Swahili.非洲的大城市里居住着不同的民族,说着许多不同的语言,大家就用英语或斯瓦希里语沟通。The wires are taped firmly together.这些电线用胶带牢牢地封在一起。After graduation, we decided to set up house together.毕业后,我们两人决定成家。The past few years, our family has only gotten together at Christmas.过去几年里我们一家人只是在圣诞节才聚在一起。They went away to the seaside, without their children, to recapture the joys of being alone together.他们离家去海滨,不带孩子,以便重温只有他们俩在一起的那种乐趣。His massive thighs rubbed together as he walked.他走路时粗大的双腿互相蹭擦着。The choir rose up together and began to sing.合唱团起立,开始唱歌。The two sides have been unable to get together on a new contract.双方一直未能就新合同达成一致。I don't know if we'll stay together or not. I can't tell how I'll be feeling in a month's time.我不知道我们能否在一起生活。我说不准一个月后自己的感受会是什么样。Certain kinds of drug are not compatible and should never be taken together.某些药不相容,千万不能一起使用。The candles and light jazz music added a nice touch to their dinner together.烛光和轻柔的爵士乐为他们的晚餐添色。We should be able to get out of this mess, provided we stick together.只要我们同心协力,就能渡过这个难关。The bank scrambles all that money together, jumbles it all up and lends it out to hundreds and thousands of borrowers.银行匆忙地把所有的钱都杂乱地集中在一起,然后贷给成千上万的借款者。After spending years piecing together fragments, we now have the whole original manuscript.经过多年拼凑断简残篇,我们现在得到了一份完整的原始手稿。We should bring together the departments so that we're all singing from the same hymn sheet.我们应该把各部门的人召集起来,以便统一口径。The music and the mood chimed well together.这音乐与这气氛十分协调。We first became friends when we worked together.我们最初是在共事时成为朋友的。I know on the surface I appear to be quite a together person.我知道表面上我似乎是一个相当妥当的人。We spent a blissful week together.我们一起度过了非常快乐的一周。She wore a peignoir held together at the throat by a bow of ribbon.她穿了一件宽大的浴衣,颈前由一个缎带蝴蝶结拢住。Ben and Jack struggled together on the grass.本和杰克在草地上扭打成一团。Despite many stresses and strains, the team has held together, and I'm proud of that.尽管压力大而且紧张,整个队还是同舟共济,我为此而自豪。The amateur golfers from Europe only get together once or twice a year.欧洲来的业余高尔夫球手们每年只相聚一两次。He's lost more than all of us together.他的损失比我们所有人的损失加起来还大。If we put our heads together, we can think of a solution.如果我们一起动脑筋,会想出解决办法的。If these two chemicals are mixed together, they will explode.这两种化学品如果混合起来就会爆炸。They might not have two cents to rub together, but at least they have a kind of lifestyle that is different.他们也许穷得叮当响,但他们至少拥有一种不同的生活方式。He then sticks it back together with flour paste.然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来。She glued her boss's cup and saucer together as a practical joke.她搞恶作剧,把老板的茶杯和托碟粘在一起。They put their first band together when they were in high school.上高中的时候,他们就组建了自己的第一支乐队。We formed groups, and discussed the text together.我们分组一起讨论课文。Reporters snapped them leaving the restaurant together.记者拍到他们一起离开了那家饭店。Jim and I need more time together away from the kids, so we came up with this neat idea of meeting after work.我和吉姆需要更多的时间撇下孩子两个人在一起,所以就想出了下班后会面这个好主意。Male crickets make a noise by rubbing their wings together.雄性蟋蟀通过摩擦翅翼来发出声音。




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