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例句 They're trying to get up a petition to have the movie theater reopened.他们想要组织一次请愿,让这家影院重新开张。It took nearly two hours to get here.到这里花了将近两个小时。Melville managed to get by on a small amount of money.梅尔维尔仅靠一点点钱勉强度日。Sheena resisted the urge to get in her car and go home.希娜按捺住自己没有跳上车回家。The heat was beginning to get to me, so I went indoors.天热得我开始难受,我就进屋了。It was a struggle to get up the hill in the snow.下雪天要爬到山上是件费力事儿。I was banking on being able to get some coffee on the train.我指望在火车上能弄点咖啡喝喝。He went to the barber's to get a haircut.他去理发店理发。They had a disagreement about the best way to get to the beach.关于去海滩的最佳方式他们意见不一。He was up bright and early, keen to get started.他一大早就起来了,急着开始工作。He was a boy from a poor family who had hitched his wagon to a star and was determined to get a good education for himself.他是个有雄心壮志的贫家子弟,打定主意要受好的教育。Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.例如,青少年的性行为可能并不是源于真正的情欲,而是出于一种对爱的需要。Tony says, he's going to get the car, and finding the money to pay for it is just a minor detail.托尼说,他要买那辆车,买车钱不过是小事一桩。I'm more than willing to get involved.我非常乐意参加。I think it's very important for those governments to do whatever they can to get a bigger bang for the buck.我认为,重要的是那些政府要采取一切措施来获取更大的资金回报。He is in the marriage bureau business, which is mildly ironic seeing that his dearest wish is to get married himself.他从事婚姻介绍工作,这多少有点讽刺意味,因为他最大的愿望就是自己能结婚。A famous TV interviewer wanted to get her on his show.一个著名的电视访谈节目主持人想请她参加他的节目。It's going to rain: if you don't take an umbrella, you're going to get soaked.天要下雨。如果你不带把伞,会被淋湿的。I've got to drop by the bank to get some money.我得顺便到银行去取点钱。There was a queue of traffic waiting to get onto the motorway.车辆排着队等待上高速公路。I wanted to get the interview over with as quickly as possible.我想尽快结束这次面试。She took some extra classes to get a head start in/on her career.她进修了一些额外的课程以便在事业上具有起步优势。The cat tried to get between the chair and the wall.猫试图钻到椅子和墙的中间。Don't try to get on or off a moving train!.火车运行时请勿上下车!I'm trying to get back on an even keel now that the lawsuit is settled.官司打完了,我正尽量让自己的生活恢复正常。At last she is starting to get somewhere in her career.她的事业终于开始有了些起色。What do you hope to get out of this experience?你希望从这次经历中得到什么?The proposal is likely to get short shrift in London.伦敦方面很可能不会认真对待这个建议。I told him to get lost and leave me alone and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我叫他滚开,不要来烦我,他的口气一下子就从逢迎谄媚变成了勃然大怒。The government's first task is to get to grips with the economy.政府的首要任务是处理好经济问题。You really ought to take better care of yourself. If you don't get some rest and start eating better, you are bound to get sick.你真的应该好好照顾自己了。如果再不休息,吃点好的,你肯定会生病的。It was a real race against time to get all the costumes sewn for the play.赶制演出的戏装真是如同与时间赛跑一样。Give me two ticks to get ready.我两秒钟就好。I'm not quite sure how to get there - I'd better consult a map.我不是很清楚怎么去那儿——我最好查查地图。People will talk, but you have to get on with your life.人们会有议论,但日子还得过下去。I don't know how we're going to get all this stuff into the car.我不知道我们怎样才能把所有这些东西塞进汽车。It took her a moment to get her bearings in the dark.她过了一会儿才在黑暗中确定了自己的方位。She made a running dive to get across the crevasse.她跑了几步猛地一跳跨过裂隙。I like to think I'm relatively easy to get along with.我愿意认为自己相对比较容易相处。The company is expected to get around this problem by borrowing from the banks.该公司估计会从银行贷款解决这个问题。




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