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词汇 to eliminate
例句 He declared war on the government and urged right-wingers to eliminate their opponents.他向政府宣战,并煽动右翼分子干掉他们的对手。It isn't possible to eliminate all mistakes.要清除所有错误是不可能的。We need to eliminate inefficiencies in the production process.我们需要消除生产过程中的低效率现象。This mousse says it's designed to eliminate frizz and make hair glossy and easier to manage.这瓶摩丝的说明上写着能用来平复头发的卷曲,使头发有光泽、易于打理。This will help to eliminate any fishy odours.这会有助于清除鱼腥味。Traffic police intend to eliminate congestion caused by illegally parked vehicles.交通警察部门想要消除违章停车造成的交通拥挤现象。Jane decided to eliminate all figures of speech from her writing and only use words in their literal senses.简决定去掉文中所有的修辞用法,只用词的原意。Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.露西娅雇用了一名刺客去除掉她的情敌。We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers.我们给三个经济学者打电话询问消除赤字的办法,他们给出了坦率的回答。The government wants to eliminate barriers to progress.政府想要消除阻挡发展的障碍。The aim of the civil rights movement was to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms.民权运动的目的是消灭各种形式的种族歧视。Try to eliminate fatty foods from your diet.尽量不吃含脂肪多的食物。She is trying to eliminate excess fat and calories from her diet.她正尽量去除饮食中多余的脂肪和卡路里。The single market is designed to eliminate barriers to free movement.建立单一市场是为了消除阻碍自由流通的壁垒。Throughout the trip it was important to eliminate all the inessentials of life.在整个旅行过程中,去除所有非生活必需品很重要。America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.美国想要免除电子产品等的关税。We'll have to be ruthless if we want to eliminate unnecessary waste.如果我们要杜绝不必要的浪费,就得硬著心肠做。Doctors seek to eliminate the causes of the epidemic.医生们试图消除这种流行病的根源。The organization has promised to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy.该组织已承诺消除不必要的规章制度。Students were given a simple aptitude test to eliminate any who lacked the basic skills.学生们接受了一次简单的能力倾向测试,以淘汰那些缺乏基本技能的人。They have taken positive steps to eliminate discriminatory practices.他们已采取积极措施来消除歧视性习俗。The teacher should try to eliminate the possibility that the child has a hearing defect.老师应该尽力排除这孩子有听力缺陷的可能性。Our goal is to eliminate poverty.我们的目标是消灭贫困。She's trying to eliminate fatty foods from her diet.她尽量杜绝饮食中的高脂肪食物。




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