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词汇 瞬间
例句 One momentary lapse in concentration could prove fatal.瞬间的注意力不集中都可能是致命的。On the Internet, people can send messages worldwide in seconds.在互联网上,人们瞬间就可以把信息发往世界各地。For a brief moment their lips were in contact.他们的嘴唇有瞬间的接触。It all disappeared in a wink. 瞬间就全部消失了。The coroner said that death was instantaneous.验尸官称死亡是瞬间发生的。Afterwards she relived every moment in her head.后来她在脑中回味了每个瞬间Still, for those flashes of genius, you can forgive him anything.尽管如此,他瞬间显露出的天赋还是会让你原谅他所做的一切。Things can change in a heartbeat.情况会瞬间发生变化。It was one of those musical moments that can take your breath away.那正是那些能让你大为惊叹的美妙的音乐瞬间之一。They showed an action replay of the goal.他们用慢镜头重放了进球的精彩瞬间The bomb hit, instantly destroying the building.炸弹命中,瞬间摧毁了大楼。The memory brought on a sudden flood of tears.回忆让人瞬间泪如雨下。Microprocessors do the calculations in the twinkling of an eye.微处理器在瞬间即可完成计算。When the mist descends it comes quickly and covers everything.雾气向下弥漫时来得很快,瞬间遮住了一切。In a split second, it was all over.瞬间,一切都结束了。Soldiers had to make split-second decisions before opening fire, he said.他说,士兵们必须要在开火之前作出瞬间的决定。I wish he'd do a Houdini and disappear. 我真希望他也能像魔术师霍迪尼那样瞬间消失。A wartime bomb destroyed both home and business in one fell swoop.战时的一颗炸弹瞬间摧毁了人们的家园和事业。Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart.因为两颗子弹都击中了心脏,所以死亡是瞬间发生的。I don't know what caused the accident. It all happened so fast.我不知道导致事故的原因。一切都在瞬间发生了。He could also turn on the style when the occasion demanded.如果场合需要,他也能瞬间就表现得风度翩翩。Victory was sweet, and she relished every moment.胜利的感觉是甜蜜的,她细细品味着每一个瞬间I got only a fleeting glimpse of him.我只是瞬间看到他一眼。The movie ended with a freeze-frame of the child waving at his mother.电影结束时,画面定格在孩子向妈妈挥手的瞬间One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history.一个房间里陈列着许多画作,记录着棒球运动史上的一些精彩瞬间There was a pain then, a quick, blinding agony that jumped along Danlo's spine.先是一阵疼痛,接着一股瞬间的剧痛沿着丹洛的脊柱窜了上来。The photographers managed to capture Jane in an unguarded moment.摄影师们抓拍到了简不经意的瞬间




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