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例句 The biggest difference between the brand-name drugs and the generics is price.品牌药品和仿制药品之间的最大差别是价格。We are the biggest consumers of tropical hardwoods after Japan.我们是仅次于日本的第二大热带硬木消费国。The closure of the Manchester printing factory is the company's biggest single cutback so far.关闭曼彻斯特印刷厂是该公司到目前为止规模最大的一次性裁员。The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.英吉利海峡隧道是欧洲最大的土木工程。The Defense Department is one of Lockheed's biggest regular customers.国防部是洛克希德公司最大的固定客户之一。The country's two biggest banks are planning to merge.这个国家最大的两家银行正计划合并。Deutsch is the biggest advertising agency in the world.德意志广告公司是世界上最大的广告代理商。The consortium includes some of the biggest building contractors in Britain.这个企业联合会包括英国最大的几个建筑承包商。The biggest ships afloat now are oil tanks.眼下在水上航行的最大的船舶是油轮。One of the biggest grouches is the new system of payment.人们抱怨最多的一点就是新的支付系统。Police have made one of the biggest seizures of heroin there's ever been in Britain.警方这次缴获的海洛因是英国迄今为止数量最大的几宗之一。This could signal the biggest military build-up since the Cold War.这标志着自冷战以来最大的军事集结。France is the world's second-biggest exporter of agricultural products.法国是世界第二大农产品出口国。This company is the biggest wine e-tailer in the UK.这家公司是英国最大的网络葡萄酒零售商。The biggest surprise for Josie was when she was chosen as team captain.最令乔西感到意外的一刻是她当选为队长的时候。The band is putting on its biggest concert of the year.该乐队正在上演他们今年规模最大的音乐会。Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade.货币兑换成本仍是跨境贸易的最大障碍之一。The weather will be the biggest hurdle so I have to be ready.天气将会是最大的障碍,所以我必须要作好准备。Her biggest dream was to become a singer.她最大的梦想是成为歌手。Rent is our biggest expense.房租是我们最大的开销。The company's grand ambition was to become the first and biggest global airline.公司的远大目标是要成为全球首位的,也是最大的航空公司。He swayed the biggest nation in the world.他统治著世界上最大的国家。Football is certainly the biggest spectator sport in Britain.足球无疑是英国最吸引观众的体育运动。The merger of these two companies would create the world's biggest accounting firm.这两家公司的合并将产生世界上最大的会计事务所。Europe's biggest Stone Age earthworks are at Silbury Hill in Wiltshire.欧洲石器时期最大的土木防御工事位于威尔特郡的西尔布利山。It was far and away the biggest meal he'd ever eaten.这绝对是他所吃过的最丰盛的一顿饭。Poverty and unemployment are two of the biggest causes of crime贫穷和失业是犯罪的两大起因。They're the biggest maker of fast-food products in the UK他们是英国最大的快餐供应商。If you ask me, he's the biggest fool on the face of the earth. 要让我说,他是全世界最大的傻瓜。They claim to be the biggest company in the world, which is stretching a point.他们宣称是世界上最大的公司,这有点儿言过其实。One of the biggest dangers facing us may be climate change.我们所面临的最大危险之一可能是气候变化。They had the biggest herd of beef cattle in the Valley.山谷里他们饲养的菜牛最多。They have decided to suspend production at the country's biggest plant.他们已经决定中止在该国最大工厂的生产。Drug addiction is now the biggest social problem in American cities.吸毒是当今美国城市最大的社会问题。It was the biggest eruption of Vesuvius for some years.这是维苏威火山这些年来最大的一次爆发。Drunk driving is the greatest/largest/biggest single killer of high school students.醉驾是高中生的最大杀手。Chairman Gou donated 10 billion to NTU to create a cancer hospital. That was the biggest act of philanthropy of that year.郭董事长捐给台大一百亿成立癌症医院。这是当年最大的慈善之举。Our goal is to become the biggest-selling brand of coffee in the country.我们的目标是成为国内销量最多的咖啡品牌。Two of his biggest competitors are out of the ball game.他最大的竞争对手中的两个出局了。France is the biggest beneficiary of Europe's agricultural programme.法国是欧洲农业项目的最大受益者。




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