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词汇 to catch
例句 She had a chance to catch the ball, but she failed to make the play.她本有机会接住球使对方出局,但未能接住。Fans crowded around the rear entrance of the concert hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of the band.歌迷挤在音乐厅后门处,希望能看一眼那乐队。Tim tried to catch her arm but she evaded him.提姆想要抓住她的手臂但她避开了他。When I got home I phoned Jo to catch up on all the gossip.我回家后就给乔打电话,打听所有的小道消息。If you miss a lot of school, it will be very difficult to catch up.如果你缺课太多,就很难赶上去。The fact that doctors were able to catch the disease before it had spread testifies to the importance of medical screenings.医生在这种疾病传播之前就能控制住它,这一事实可以证明医学筛查的重要性。The crippled child hobbling to catch up was a hurtful sight.那个跛足的孩子一拐一拐地试图赶上大家,叫人看了心里难过。It was an undercover operation designed to catch drug smugglers.这是一次旨在抓捕毒品走私犯的秘密行动。She beetled off to catch the bus.她匆匆跑去赶公共汽车。Lottie cast a glance around the assemblage, hoping to catch sight of him.洛蒂扫了一眼人群,希望能看到他。He made a lunge to catch the ball.他猛扑过去接球。It was not difficult for him to catch the note of bitterness in my voice.他不难听出我话语中的愤愤不平。On the last lap of the race, Gemma started to catch up, and it looked as though she could still win.跑最后一圈的时候,杰玛开始追上了,看来她还有可能胜出。I used Saturday to catch up on my sleep.我利用星期六补了觉。The police are working hard to catch the criminals and put them in jail.警方正在全力抓捕罪犯并把他们投入监狱。He had stopped to catch his breath and make sure of his directions.他曾停下来歇口气,同时确定一下方向。Detectives followed him for months hoping to catch him out in some deception.侦探们跟踪了他几个月,希望能当场抓住他行骗。We'll have to make time to catch that early train.我们得走得快点好赶上那早班车。 He hustled off to catch the train for New York.他匆匆地去赶开往纽约的火车。A beautiful fairy danced near him, and he reached out to catch her, but caught only her handkerchief.一个美丽的仙子在他身旁跳舞,他伸出手去抓她,但是只抓到她的手绢。I have to catch up on my sleep.我必须补上我的睡眠。Staff are working overtime to catch up with a backlog of orders.员工在加班加点处理积压的订单。The hunter tracked the wolf and managed to catch it.猎人追踪狼,并设法逮住它。The painter tried to catch the beauty of his model.画家设法再现模特儿的美。I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over.我跳起来接球,结果摔了个跟头。You must retire early as you have to catch the early train tomorrow.你必须早睡觉,因为明天还得赶早班火车。We were rushing to catch the bus.我们急急忙忙去赶公共汽车。Jenny tried to catch the frisbee with her left hand but dropped it.珍妮试图用左手抓住飞碟,但弄掉了。The idea failed to catch fire.这个主意没奏效。He reads the newspaper on Sunday mornings to catch up on the news.他星期天早上读报纸了解新闻动态。He ran along the platform to catch the train.他沿着站台跑去赶火车。Police were in position to catch the fleeing suspect.警察已经就位,准备捉拿在逃嫌犯。She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married.她打算回都柏林,去看望一下结婚后就再没见过面的亲戚。Thousands of people had gathered, hoping to catch a glimpse of the star.成千上万的人聚集起来,都想一睹这位明星的风采。She was rushing to catch her favorite show on TV.她急匆匆地赶着去收看她最喜欢的电视节目。He used to catch spiders and cut off their legs.他以前喜欢捉蜘蛛并把蜘蛛腿剪掉。That is a barrel to catch rain water.那是一个接雨水的木桶。We were in plenty of time for Anthony to catch the ferry.我们时间充裕得很,足够安东尼赶上渡船。It took Jennifer a long time to catch on to the fact that Mary was taking advantage of her.珍妮弗过了很久才意识到玛丽是在利用她。Wait a minute! I'm beginning to catch on.等一下!我开始有点懂了。




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