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词汇 tile
例句 If you score the tile first, it will be easier to break.要是先在瓷砖上划一道痕,要破开就容易多了。Stick the pieces on with tile cement.用瓷砖黏合剂把这些小片粘上去。Vinyl can be laid in sheet or tile form.塑料地板分为卷材和块材两种。A tile fell off the roof.一片瓦从房檐上落下。A roof tile is made of baked clay.屋顶的瓦是用黏土烧制而成的。It was an ordinary church tower, a familiar sight above the red tile roofs of every Danish village.那是一个普通的教堂塔楼,是丹麦每个村庄的红瓦屋顶上方的一个常见景象。We found a broken piece of tile.我们发现了一片碎瓦片。We installed new tile in the kitchen.我们在厨房贴了新瓷砖。Each piece of tile is chipped, filed and cemented to a surface on which a base drawing is made.每片瓷砖都经过切削锉平后粘在画有底图的表面上。The cabins had linoleum tile floors.那些小木屋地板铺着油地毡。The roof tile missed me by a whisker.屋顶的瓦差一点儿就砸在我头上了。The cabins had linoleum tile floors.船舱地上铺着油毡。We hired him to tile the bathroom floor.我们雇他给浴室地面铺砖。Stick the pieces on with tile cement.用瓷砖胶把它们一块块贴上去。Each tile is a work of art, guaranteed one of a kind by the handprint of its maker.每一块瓷砖都是一件艺术品,由制作者压上手印以保证它是独一无二的。The last tile slotted in neatly.最后一块瓦片整齐地插进缺口中。I pointed to a number of scratches in the tile floor.我指了指地砖上的一些划痕。Make sure the tile is flush with the surrounding tiles.一定要把这块瓷砖铺得跟周围的一般平。A hurricane-force gust blew a tile off the roof.强飓风把屋顶上的一片瓦片吹了下来。We're going to tile the bathroom.我们要给浴室贴瓷砖。He wants to tile the bathroom.他想在浴室里铺瓷砖。The house has a red tile roof.那座房子红瓦铺顶。A tile floor underlies the rug.小地毯下面铺着瓷砖。The falling tile struck him with a glancing blow on the head. 坠落的瓦片擦伤了他的头部。




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