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词汇 thirst for
例句 Her thirst for knowledge will never be quenched.她的求知欲是永无止境的。A thirst for blood is the characteristic of Satanized man.嗜杀成性是撒旦一样的人类的特点。She had an insatiable thirst for attention.她永不满足地渴求被人关注。She thirsted for words of love from him.她渴望他说些爱她的话语。Books have traditionally quenched a child's thirst for knowledge.书本传统上满足了儿童对知识的渴求。He has a thirst for knowledge.他渴望得到知识。The materials are designed to satisfy young people's thirst for knowledge.这些材料旨在满足年轻人对于知识的渴求。He has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.他对知识有着不能满足的渴求。He thirsted for a drink of cold water.他渴望能喝到一口冰水。His thirst for power has resulted in disgrace and ruin upon himself.他对权力的渴求已使他身败名裂。The story is so gripping; it makes you thirst for the next episode.这故事是那么扣人心弦,使人急于要知道下文如何。Children show a real thirst for learning.孩子们对于学习表现出真诚的渴望。His thirst for knowledge is insatiable.他对知识的渴求不会满足。The warlord thirsted for power and wealth.那军阀拼命想抓权敛财。Your unquenchable thirst for knowledge is uber attractive.你对知识永无止境的渴求相当有吸引力。The corporate world is plagued by avarice and a thirst for power.企业界深受贪念和权力欲的困扰。Some men thirst for power.有些人渴望权力。The girl thirsted for the next episode of the story.女孩急于知道故事的下文。Politicians of every stripe have demonstrated a thirst for power.无论哪种类型的政客都表现出对权力的渴望。The girl thirsted for yogurt.小女孩非常想喝酸牛奶。We all thirst for the same things.我们都渴望得到同样的东西。He had an unquenchable thirst for danger and excitement.他对危险和刺激有种无法遏制的渴求。He thirsted for Turkish coffee.他非常想喝到土耳其咖啡。




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