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词汇 the mark
例句 Courtesy is the mark of a true gentleman.谦逊有礼是一名真正的绅士的特征。As soon as the opportunity arose, he was quick off the mark in exploiting it.机会一出现,他马上就抓住了。He could not rinse the mark of blood out of his shirt.他洗不掉衬衣上的血迹。Their predictions turned out to be very wide of the mark.他们的预测最终证实误差很大。His efforts to console her were off the mark. 他试着安慰她,但没起到作用。Her speech missed the mark and failed to generate the public support she had been hoping for.她的演讲没成功,没有得到她所希望的公众支持。He took the handkerchief and rubbed gently at the mark.他掏出手帕,轻轻地擦了擦那个标记。Paint won't cover the mark on the wall,so we shall have to paper over it.油漆盖不住墙上的斑点,我们将不得不用纸来糊盖。The ability to perform well under pressure is the mark of a true champion.在巨大压力下仍能表现良好是真正冠军的品质。I haven't been feeling up to the mark lately.我最近一直感觉不在状态。Yesterday's weather forecast was a little wide of the mark, then.昨天的天气预报有点不准。The arrow hit/missed/overshot the mark.箭射中了/射偏了/没射中靶子。The ad campaign was supposed to appeal to young people but it missed the mark.这场广告宣传旨在吸引年轻人,却未达到目的。His answer to the arithmetic problem missed the mark.这道算术题他的解答离谱了。The shot fell wide of the mark.子弹远未命中目标。The movie was expected to gross millions, but that forecast was wide of the mark.这部影片预计有几百万的收入,但是这个预测太离谱了。His work hasn't been up to the mark.他的工作没有达到标准。This year's sales figures have already passed the mark set last year.今年的销售额已经超过了去年定下的标准。Their estimate was pretty close to the mark.他们的估计非常接近事实。I'm not feeling quite up to the mark today.我今天感到不太舒服。He overstepped the mark and we had no option but to suspend him.他的行为越矩了,我们别无选择只好将他停职。What you have just said is beside the mark.你刚才所说的话不切题。She overstepped the mark and lost her job.她的言行太过分,结果丢了工作。He wetted a dishcloth and tried to rub the mark away.他蘸湿了一块布,试图将那块污迹擦掉。Your performance is just not up to the mark.你的表演还是不够好。This interpretation seems wide of the mark.这种解释似乎太离谱了。Her latest batch of work just isn't up to the mark.她最近的一批活儿不合格。The insult hit the mark as she intended.这番侮辱起到了她想要的效果。Once again, the French prove themselves to be quick off the mark in spotting a new rock phenomenon.法国人再次证明了他们能够迅速发现一个新摇滚现象。The gun doesn't bear on the mark.炮口没有对准目标。You've overstepped the mark this time, Simpson - you're fired!这一次你的行为太过分了,辛普森——你被解雇了!Your criticisms appear to be off the mark.你的批评似乎并未切中要害。All the opinion polls turned out to be hopelessly wide of the mark.所有的民意测验都偏差得太厉害了。That comparison isn't as wide of the mark as it seems.那个比较实际并没有看上去那样离谱。The arrow doesn't bear on the mark.弓箭没有对准目标。This is the mark of her real genius as a designer.这展现了她作为设计师的强大天赋。As soon as he saw the mark “No smoking”,he butted the cigarette.他一看见“禁止吸烟”的标记,就捻熄香烟使成蒂头。Yet this book misses the mark by a mile.可是这本书远远没有达到目的。Johnny's not feeling up to the mark at the moment.约翰尼现在觉得不舒服。Her criticism really hit the mark. 她的批评一语中的。




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