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词汇 the limit
例句 Our patience has been taxed to the limit by his insolence.我们对他的蛮横已经忍无可忍。That man's the limit.那人真叫人无法容忍。Pick out whatever you want - the sky's the limit.你想要什么就选什么—没有限制。If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban and a crippling fine.如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会面临很长时间的禁驾以及巨额罚款。Firefighters are being stretched to the limit as fire sweeps through the drought-stricken state.火势在这个遭受旱灾的州里迅速蔓延,消防队员疲于应对,接近极限。He has reached the limit of his endurance.他已经达到忍耐的极限。She reached the limit of her patience.她到了忍无可忍的地步。She pushed me to the limit of my abilities.她逼着我把自己的能力发挥到了极限。She lost her driving licence when she was caught over the limit.她酒驾被抓,被扣了驾照。Francis believes the sky's the limit for the young goalkeeper.弗朗西斯认为,这名年轻的守门员前途不可限量。She was breathalysed and found to be over the limit.她接受了呼气测醉检查,结果超过了限定值。He pushed to the limit of his strength but he could not budge the rock.他使尽全身力气推,但石头纹丝不动。It will be sterilized when it is beyond the limit to its storage life.超出保存期则失效。Our resources have been stretched to the limit. 我们的资源已经被用至极限。That fence is the limit of the schoolyard.那堵围墙是校园的界限。He was arrested for driving over the limit.他因酒后驾驶被拘留。If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban.如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会被禁驾很长时间。She has about reached the limit of usefulness.她这人差不多已没一点儿用处了。He felt he was being pushed to the limit of his self-control.他感到自己被逼得就要失去自控力了。Banks are quick to demand their pound of flesh when overdrafts run a little over the limit.透支稍微超出限额时,银行便会很快要求归还欠款。They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit.他们发现,就收入和事业成功来讲,多高都有可能的。The kids stretch my patience to the limit.那些孩子真是让我受不了。I knew he was pushing himself to the limit and felt rather anxious.我知道他正把自己逼到极限,而且感觉非常焦虑。The Navy is stretched to the limit these days.海军这些天来全力作战。The long journey tested their courage and endurance to the limit.长途跋涉考验了他们的勇气和耐力的极限。He borrowed money up to the limit that the bank allowed.他向银行借的钱达到了银行允许的最高限额。He was caught driving over the limit and had to pay a large fine.他醉酒驾车被捕,得缴付一大笔罚款。We may vary the limit at our discretion and will notify you of any change.我们可能会斟酌改变限额,有任何变动将通知您。These people would unhesitatingly go the limit.这些人会毫无顾忌地走极端。You can achieve anything if you really want to. The sky's the limit.只要你真想做,任何事都能做成。凡事皆有可能。When these local hoteliers charge visiting foreigners, the sky is the limit.这些当地的旅馆老板向来访的外国人索费时,那真叫漫天要价。Many libraries have found that their financial resources are stretched to the limit.许多图书馆都发现自己的财力极度短绌。She has reached the limit of her patience.她已到了忍无可忍的地步。The country is stretching its military forces to the limit.这个国家正最大限度地利用其军事力量。The sky is the limit to what professional athletes can earn.职业运动员可以赚得无限多。Don't go over the limit of your allowance.不要超过你的津贴的限额。The profiteers have the bit between their teeth and, for them, the sky is the limit.奸商们不服管制,对他们说来,随便怎么漫天要价也不为过。In a large proportion of fatal accidents it is found that one driver is over the limit.在大部分的致命交通事故中,发现都有一个司机酒后驾车。The plot of the novel stretches credulity to the limit.这部小说的情节实在令人无法相信。My schedule is filled to the limit. 我的日程表安排得不能再满了。




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