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词汇 the first time
例句 It wasn't the first time he'd broken a promise not to get drunk.这不是他第一次违背不喝醉酒的诺言了。It was the first time he had evidenced nervousness.这是他第一次显露出紧张不安。It's the first time at these games that the Americans have overtaken the Cubans.这是美国人在这一运动会上首次超越古巴人。They are going to explore Jupiter's outermost atmosphere for the first time.他们将首次探测木星大气层的最外层。The Act allows children, for the first time, to initiate proceedings.该法案首次允许儿童实施起诉程序。I'll never forget the first time I ate sushi.我永远忘不了第一次吃寿司的情景。Most people who see a baseball game for the first time think it's pretty boring.大部分人第一次看棒球比赛都会觉得这种运动相当沉闷。Divorce rates are leveling out for the first time in decades.数十年来离婚率首次稳定下来。It was the first time that he had lost a game.这是他第一次输掉比赛。It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion.在如此重要的场合,最好不要首次尝试新的食谱。It was the first time she had experienced real fear.这是她第一次真正感到恐惧。Do you remember the first time you kissed a boy?你记得第一次吻男孩子的情形吗?A lot of young children are frightened the first time they are put on a horse's back.许多小孩第一次被放上马背时都感到害怕。For the first time the government's actually put some money up front.这是政府有史以来第一次预付了一笔钱。They may let you off the first time, but the second time they'll sock it to you.第一次他们可能放过你,可第二次就要对你不客气了。She was nervous when she met her in-laws for the first time.她第一次见公婆的时候很紧张。This is the first time the couple has been out alone together since the birth of their child. 自从他们的孩子出生后,这是这对夫妇第一次单独外出。There is no feeling on earth like winning for the first time.初尝胜利滋味的感觉真是无可比拟。Most people get homesick the first time they leave home.大多数人第一次离家都会想家。He returned to his homeland for the first time in many years.多年来,他第一次回到了自己的祖国。Sarah felt happy for the first time in her life.萨拉有生以来第一次感到幸福。Passing through the portals of the BBC for the first time, she felt slightly nervous.第一次走进英国广播公司的大门,她觉得稍有些紧张。It was the first time she spoke of going to law school.那是她首次提到要去法学院。This summer's tour was an eye-opener for her. For the first time ever, the halls were not fully booked.今夏的旅游让她大开眼界。有史以来,礼堂第一次没有预订满。For the first time in my life, I feel old.我有生以来第一次觉得自己老了。I visited my old school yesterday for the first time in many moons.我昨天去了母校,这是很久以来第一次去。It's the first time farmers have decided to organize.这是农场主首次决定组织起来。These bushes will flower this year for the first time.这些灌木今年将第一次开花。For the first time a hint of tension had crept into their relationship.他们之间的关系第一次出现了一丝紧张。The guided tour is recommended for those visiting the first time.建议首次到访的游客在导游带领下游览。For the first time in months, she felt calm and at peace with the world.几个月来她第一次感到了平静和与世无争。For the first time, representatives from the two countries will talk at a conference table.两国的代表将第一次坐到会议桌上谈判。It is the first time she has forfeited a tournament match through injury.这是她第一次因伤被迫放弃参加巡回赛。He's a grandfather for the first time. And he's over the moon about it.他第一次做祖父,真乐坏了。I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked out completely.我还记得自己第一次登台的情形。我完全吓坏了。Is this the first time you've played pool?你是第一次玩台球吗?He's through to the men's tennis final for the first time.他第一次打进了男子网球决赛。Yesterday was the first time she was here since you checked in.你来到后昨天是她第一次上这儿来。It was not the first time she had tried to kill herself.她已经不是第一次试图自杀了。Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.记忆中,小溪第一次干涸了。




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