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词汇 the extreme
例句 They live in the extreme south of the island.他们住在这个岛的最南端。He's on the extreme right of the party.他是党内的极右派。I don't think you realize the extreme gravity of the situation.我认为你没有认识到局势的极端严重性。I proved the extreme depths of poverty.我体验过极贫困的生活。She found the task wearisome in the extreme.她感到那工作烦极了。She was always generous to the extreme.她总是大方过头。She was stupid in the extreme to act like that.她那样做真是愚蠢极了。My dad's in the front row, on the extreme left of the picture.我爸爸在照片的前排最左边。His voice was scornful in the extreme.他的声音听起来极为轻蔑。Members of the extreme right/left opposed the legislation.极右/极左分子反对这项立法。The incident has triggered fresh arguments about the role of the extreme right in France.这一事件在法国引发了关于极右翼势力角色的新辩论。The city is in the extreme northern part of the state.这座城市位于这个州的最北端。Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.他们的通信系统效率极低。The far right is now a greater threat than the extreme left.现在极右派比极左派威胁更大。They gathered to protest against the renaissance of the extreme right.他们聚集起来抗议极右势力的复活。I'm finding it difficult in the extreme to deal with this situation.我发现这种情况极难处理。Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragile environment.极度严寒造成了南极地区绝无仅有的脆弱环境。He was foolish in the extreme to act like that.他那样做真是愚蠢透顶。Some of the scenes were unpleasant in the extreme.有些场景令人极其反感。He's on the extreme right wing of the party.他属于这个政党的极右翼势力。They're both on the extreme left of the party.他们两个都是这个党派的极左分子。He had been foolish in the extreme.他那时笨到了极点。In the photo, she is at/on the extreme right/left. 照片中,她在最右/左边。Our rows become unhealthy in the extreme.我们的争吵变得极其有害。At the extreme, some nuclear waste is so radioactive it has to be kept isolated for thousands of years.在极端的情况下,有些核废物的放射性之强使其需隔离保存数千年。It is unlikely in the extreme that she will change her mind.她改变主意是绝不可能的。The incident has triggered fresh arguments about the role of the extreme right in France.该事件引发了关于极右翼势力在法国所起作用的新一轮讨论。It would be disingenuous in the extreme to pretend otherwise.装模作样是极其虚伪的表现。In the extreme cold my wet shoes became frozen stiff.在严寒中我湿了的鞋子冻得硬邦邦的。He was ingratiating in the extreme.他极尽阿谀奉承之能事。The vessel is operating at the extreme limits of the acceptable ranges.这艘船正在可接受范围的极限处作业。There's a Chinese restaurant at the extreme end of the street.在这条街的尽头有一家中国餐馆。This kind of experiment seems cruel in the extreme.这种实验好像极其残酷。It is proving controversial in the extreme.事实证明这极具争议性。Iberia is situated in the extreme southwest of Europe.伊比利亚位于欧洲的最西南端。




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