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词汇 奇怪的
例句 Not surprisingly, she was very annoyed when he didn't turn up.没有什么好奇怪的,他没有赴约,她当然会很生气。I didn't think anything of his wearing a long coat since it was cold outside.我觉得他穿长大衣没什么可奇怪的,因为外面很冷。His strange question surprised her.他那奇怪的问题令她感到意外。I felt strangely subdued when it was all over.一切都结束的时候,我却有一种奇怪的压抑感。I'm troubled by his strange behavior.奇怪的行为让我担忧。His mind shows a curious slant.他的思想显示出奇怪的偏向。They gave her a strange brew to drink.他们让她喝一种奇怪的混合饮料。He gave me a strange look.他用奇怪的眼神看了我一眼。I met this really weird guy last night.我昨晚碰到了一个奇怪的家伙。I had a queer feeling that something bad was about to happen.我有种奇怪的感觉,不祥之事即将发生。That strange noise gave me the shivers.奇怪的响声使我不寒而栗。Her French was slurred and oddly accented.她的法语发音含糊并且有奇怪的口音。His strange behavior gave rise to rumors about his health.奇怪的行为引发了有关他健康状况的传闻。He tried to go incognito but his bizarre disguise made him stand out even more.他试图隐匿身份,但是他那身奇怪的乔装打扮却使他更显眼了。I had a strange feeling in my neck.我的脖子有一种奇怪的感觉。I can remember the strange feelings I had when I was a kid.我能记起孩提时曾有的那些奇怪的感觉。Banana, orange juice, and cream may seem an odd combination, but together they make a delicious drink.香蕉、橙汁和奶油看上去或许是奇怪的搭配,但用它们做出的饮料很好喝。I wondered why she was behaving in so singular a fashion.我想知道她为什么会有如此奇怪的行为。The darkness was broken by the odd pinprick of light.奇怪的少许亮光打破了黑暗。She has acquired some odd habits.她养成了一些奇怪的习惯。A strange brown dog suddenly jumped all over him, panting, its tongue out.一只奇怪的棕色狗突然向他扑来扑去,吐着舌头喘着气。His weird behaviour had cooled her passion.奇怪的举动使得她的激情冷却。Their odd appearance invited suspicion.他们奇怪的外表招致了怀疑。It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.见到两个宿敌握手言欢,拍着彼此的背部,真是一幅奇怪的场景。The paradox of exercise is that, while using a lot of energy, it seems to generate more.锻炼奇怪的地方在于它会越活动越有劲。Eliot led a strangely unsettled life, drifting from place to place and job to job.埃利奥特到处游荡,无固定职业,过着一种奇怪的不稳定生活。A strange noise issues from the next room.隔壁房间里传出奇怪的响声。I heard a funny noise.我听到一个奇怪的声响。Arthur has some strange ideas, but on this occasion I'm inclined to agree with him.虽然阿瑟是有一些奇怪的想法,但这次我倒是倾向于同意他的观点。The leaves were covered with a strange sticky substance.树叶上覆着一层奇怪的黏乎乎乎乎的东西。They snickered at my strange hat.他们偷偷嘲笑我那顶奇怪的帽子。His strange behaviour aroused/raised his neighbours' suspicions.奇怪的举动引起了邻居们的怀疑。Amanda's eyes glowed in a strange way, like a cat's.阿曼达眼里发出一种奇怪的光,像猫一样。Her face looked strangely familiar.她的脸看上去有一种很奇怪的熟悉感。It's got a really strange taste.它有一种很奇怪的味道。He twists his lip into an odd expression when he's thinking.他思考的时候会扭动嘴唇做出奇怪的表情。Mr Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humour.肯尼特先生有种很奇怪的幽默感。I wonder where he gets these strange ideas.我不知道他哪里弄来这些奇怪的念头。Politics can create some strange bedfellows.政治能够产生一些奇怪的盟友。She gave me a smile/strange look.她向我微笑了一下/用奇怪的眼神看了我一眼。




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