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He tends to write bizarre and highly experimental pieces of music.他倾向于创作风格奇异且具有高度试验性的音乐作品。A strange violent joy kept ebbing and flowing through her.一种奇异而强烈的愉悦感在她身上时起时落。Then there was his manner, a curious compound of humour and severity.还有他的态度,那是一种幽默与严厉的奇异混合。Some of their clothes were really weird and wonderful.他们有些衣服非常奇异。His first reaction was a strange mixture of joy and anger.他第一个反应是喜怒交集的奇异心情。We saw pictures of exotic birds from the jungle of Brazil.我们看到了来自于巴西热带雨林的各种奇异鸟类的照片。The stone has an irregular shape.这块石头形状奇异。 |