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词汇 the body
例句 Nausea swept over me as I looked at the body of the dead boy.看到那男孩的尸体,我感到一阵恶心。The article examines the language politicians use to appeal to the body politic.这篇文章研究了政治人物寻求人民支持时使用的语言。The water moved darkly around the body, unpleasantly thick and brown.黏稠的棕黑色污水在尸体周围流动着,非常恶心。Sweat passes through the pores and cools the body down.汗从毛孔中排出以降低体温。The dancers make thrusting, angular movements of hand and arm – the body taut.众舞者绷紧了身体,做出各种僵硬的手臂伸展动作。The tail of an animal is on the posterior part of the body.动物的尾巴长在身体的后部。The jacket follows the lines of the body with graceful simplicity.夹克很合身,设计优雅简朴。She bent over the body, and when she straightened up there were tears in her eyes.她向死者俯过身去,站直身子的时候已是泪眼汪汪。Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure.体内胆碱水平过低会引起高血压。A network of veins and arteries carries the blood around the body.由静脉和动脉组成的血管网络向全身输送血液。Police are asking for official permission to disinter the body.警方正在申请挖掘尸体的正式许可。Seeing the body, she gave an involuntary flinch.看到尸体,她不禁往后退了一步。The blood feeds the body tissue.血液滋养着机体组织。He rapped his knuckles against the body of the sink unit. It was as solid as a rock.他用指关节敲敲洗涤槽—它非常牢固。Police divers are looking for the body.警方的潜水员在搜寻那具尸体。The skin on the eyelids is the thinnest on the body.眼睑的皮肤是人体最薄的皮肤。The blood feeds the body tissue.血液维持着身体组织。The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.那些宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应失重状态。An IM injection is chosen when reasonably rapid systemic uptake of the drug is needed by the body.当药物需要被身体很快吸收时,会选择肌肉注射。Some languages even have infixes, fitted into the body of a word.有些语种甚至具有嵌入词身之中的中缀。A wolf tore at the body, dislodging great hunks of meat.狼撕咬尸体,扯下大块大块的肉。High heels throw the body out of alignment.高跟鞋让身体错位。Two pathologists examined the body, but their findings disagreed.两位病理学家检查了尸体,但他们的检查结果不一致。He covered the body with a cloth.他用一块布盖住那具尸体。He proposed a model of stress reaction in the body.他提出了一个人体内应激反应的模型。Toxic chemicals tend to accumulate in the body.有毒化学物质容易在体内聚积。The position of the body led the police to suspect murder.尸体的姿势让警方怀疑是谋杀。The other main way the body cools itself down is by panting.喘息是身体自行降温的另一主要途径。He punished his opponent with the fierce punches to the body.他猛击对手的身体。She froze with horror when she saw the body.她看到尸体时吓呆了。Exercising the body does a great deal to improve one's health.锻炼身体对增进健康大有益处。The king was the head of the body politic.国王是国家的元首。The mischief is more deep-seated than the external injuries to the body showed.病情比身体外伤所显示的要深。My car is at the body shop having the dent in the door fixed.我的车在汽修厂修理车门上的凹痕。The blood's job is to carry oxygen to the different parts of the body.血液的功能是将氧气输送到身体的各个部位。It is not the primary tumour that kills, but secondary growths elsewhere in the body.原发性肿瘤并不会置人于死地,致命的是身体其他部位的继发肿瘤。When nutrients are in short supply the body cannot function normally.营养不足时,身体就不能正常运转。He believed in disciplining the body to withstand hardships.他相信通过训练身体可以顶住种种艰难困苦。Over a period of years, the drug will accumulate in the body and damage the nervous system.经过数年时间,这种药将在体内越积越多,破坏神经系统。On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.一方面,如果体内没有足够的胆固醇,我们就无法存活下去。另一方面,如果体内胆固醇过高,多余的胆固醇就会附着在动脉内壁上。




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