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词汇 terrible
例句 I got a terrible fright when that dog jumped out at me.那条狗突然跳出向我冲过来,真把我吓得半死。He made a terrible job of cutting my hair.他把我的头发剪得不像样子。He's a terrible snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.他是个十足的势利眼——如果你没上过名牌学校,他也许一句话都不跟你说。I'm afraid we have made a terrible mess in your room.恐怕我们把你的房间搞得一团糟了。My chest pains me something terrible.我胸口痛得很厉害。I worried myself into a terrible state.我担心得不得了。There developed a practice that came to a tragic and terrible end.逐渐形成了一种做法,其结局却很悲惨。The terrible spectre of civil war hung over the country once again.内战可怕的阴云再一次笼罩这个国家。The arrest has come as a terrible shock.这次逮捕让人极为震惊。They did terrible things to some of the prisoners.他们残酷虐待一些囚犯。The terrible experience seemed to have unhinged him slightly.这一可怕的经历似乎使他有点精神失常了。Your enjoyment of the movie depends on being able to overlook the terrible acting.能否欣赏这部电影,取决于能否忽略糟糕的演技。It's a good pub, but the bogs are terrible!那个小酒馆不错,不过那里的厕所太糟糕了!When she coughed she made a terrible wheezing sound.她咳嗽时发出了可怕的气喘声。Annie arrived late and immediately launched into a lengthy description of the terrible traffic on the roads.安妮迟到了,一进来就啰啰唆唆地讲路上交通如何如何糟糕。The traffic was terrible on the way here.在来这儿的路上交通很糟糕。It was a terrible winter. At one stage all the roads to the village were blocked by snow.那个冬天糟透了,有一段时间通往村里的所有道路都被大雪封锁了。We were all greatly affected by the terrible news. 噩耗传来,我们都深感悲痛。They weathered a terrible storm while at sea.他们在海上经历了一场可怕的暴风雨。The hurricane wreaked terrible damage/destruction on coastal cities.飓风给沿海城市带来了巨大破坏。Thompson told how his sacking had been a terrible shock that had left him feeling completely devastated.汤普森讲述了他被解雇一事对他造成的打击如何之大,使他有一种被彻底摧毁的感觉。The children cried and took on something terrible at the sight of the stranger.看到那个陌生人,孩子们大哭大叫。The bed was right enough but the food was terrible.床舖还令人满意,可是伙食太差。Her mother's sudden death came as a terrible shock.她母亲突然去世的消息令人震惊不已。It was a terrible upheaval when Dad died.父亲去世时家里乱得一团糟。There was a terrible scene and Jayne ended up in tears.他们吵得不可开交,杰恩最后泪流满面。I know it's a terrible thing to say, but sometimes I wish I'd never been born.我知道这么说不好,但有时我真是希望我没有出生。Our firm has taken a terrible beating in recent years.我们公司近几年败得一塌糊涂。He was then overcome by a terrible fit of coughing.接着他便控制不住地剧烈咳嗽了一阵。As if the crowds aren't bad enough, the parking situation is terrible.仿佛人群的拥堵还不够糟糕似的,停车状况更可怕。It was a terrible shock to discover the full extent of the problem.发现这个问题如此严重实在令人震惊。She turned round and fled from the terrible sight.她转过身去,避开了这惨不忍睹的场面。I feel terrible - I've been throwing up all night!我很不舒服,整整吐了一个晚上。The noise and clatter of engines can play terrible havoc with a driver's nerves.发动机的嘈杂噪声能严重扰乱驾驶员的神经。A terrible pain knifed his chest.一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的胸部。Losing her brother was a terrible shock and she isn't over it yet.失去弟弟对她来说是个可怕的打击,她至今还未恢复过来。The plot of the new movie is brainless and the acting is terrible.这部新上映的电影情节设计拙劣,演员表演糟透了。He has a terrible reputation as a Casanova.他有浪荡公子的恶名。Prison life, he told me, was terrible.他告诉我,监狱生活很可怕。Poor Daniel. He loves football but he's a terrible player.可怜的丹尼尔,他热爱足球,可球技却遭透了。




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