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词汇 to succeed
例句 We all respected her fierce determination to succeed.我们都很佩服她对成功的坚定信念。For the team to succeed, everything has to break right for them. 团队要想成功,必须诸事皆顺。This time we really need to succeed or else people will start giving us funny looks.这次我们真的需要成功,否则人们会开始用异样的眼光看我们。You have to think positive/positively if you want to succeed.如果你想成功就得有积极向上的心态。They're depriving him of a chance to succeed.他们是在剥夺他成功的机会。The takeover bid now looks unlikely to succeed.这次收购投标现在看来不可能成功了。Her mother drummed it into her that she had to succeed.她母亲反复向她灌输她必须成功。You'll have to try harder, you know, if you want to succeed.你要知道,如果你想成功,就得更努力。You need to be more assertive to succeed in business.要在商界取得成功,你需要更为果断自信。His parents had confidence in their son's ability to succeed.他父母相信儿子有能力取得成功。His opposition acted as a goad to her determination to succeed.他的反对反而刺激她坚定了取得成功的决心。This will cost money, but if social inclusion is to succeed, it must be spent.这会花钱,但如果社会融入工作要取得成功的话,这笔钱必须要花。He had a steely determination to succeed.他有着必胜的决心。She knew she had her work cut out for her, but she was willing to do whatever it took to succeed.她知道这事困难很大,但她愿尽一切努力做到。His ability to succeed has been established beyond any doubt.毫无疑问,他已具备了获得成功的能力。Ambition drove her to succeed.抱负驱使她努力获得成功。It's hard to succeed in the business world. It's a jungle out there.要在商界取得成功非常困难。那是个弱肉强食之地。He was widely tipped to succeed her as leader of the party.人们普遍认为他将接替她担任该党的领袖。She had an almost inhuman desire to succeed.她有一种超出常人的成功欲望。He was expected to succeed Jack Smith as CEO when he retired.预计他会在杰克・史密斯退休后接任首席执行官的职位。Her early failures made her even more determined to succeed.过去的失败更坚定了她争取成功的决心。If we are to succeed in this enterprise, we shall need to plan everything very carefully.我们要是想把这个企业办好,每一件事情都要认认真真地去计划。I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed.我隐约感觉他们会成功。His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed.批评他的人不把他当回事,认为他太过谨慎,不能成事。If women want to succeed in business, they have to play men at their own game.如果女人想在业务上取得成功,她们必须用男人的方法和男人周旋。British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed.英国的国防政策要想奏效,必须满足三个标准。You have to be devious if you're going to succeed in business.要想在生意场上取得成功就必须会耍点手腕。Both of them have ambitions to succeed the prime minister.他们两人都怀有接任首相职位的雄心。He needs to show a change in attitude if he is to succeed.他要成功就必须表现出态度上的转变。In today's economy, you need to have very specific skills to succeed.在当今的经济形势下,你要成功就必须具备非常独特的技能。His friends' encouragement was an instigation to succeed.朋友们的鼓励是促使他获得成功的一个因素。She was anxious to succeed in school.她渴望在学校里能够出类拔萃。He is unlikely to succeed in getting his bill through Congress, however worthy it is.无论他的提案多么有价值,他也不可能使其在国会上通过。I've got the aspiration to succeed.我渴望成功。They strove for success. = They strove to succeed.他们为成功而奋斗。He lacks the competitive drive needed to succeed.他缺乏成功所必须具备的竞争劲头。These steps are necessary if the company is to succeed in the European market.该公司要在欧洲市场取得成功,必须采取这些步骤。An inspiring teacher can stimulate students to succeed.一位具启发能力的教师能够激励学生取得成功。We became more and more determined to succeed.我们要成功的决心越来越坚定。If you want to succeed, you've got to stick to it! 如果你想要成功,就必须坚持下去。




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