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The student shakes himself together to study English.这学生全力以赴学习英语。He had frustrated her longing to study abroad.她渴望去国外学习,但他已使她的希望落空。He was urged to intermit his application to study, and allow himself a holiday.有人竭力劝他别一个劲儿死用功,暂且给自己放一天假。Linguists try to study language descriptively, not prescriptively.语言学家们设法对语言进行描述性研究,而非规范性研究。She won a grant to study political science with special reference to China.她获得了专门研究中国政治的政治学奖学金。Management wheeled in the experts to study the matter further.管理层聘请了一批专家进一步研究此事。It would be worth your while to study the material again before the test.考试前再认真看一下这份材料是值得的。NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.美国国家航空航天局计划发射一颗卫星上天,对宇宙射线进行研究。I want to study the problem before I shoot off my face.在我发表看法以前,我要研究一下这个问题。A musician has to study both the theory and practice of music.音乐家不仅必须研究音乐原理而且必须研究音乐实践。I got a grant from my university to study in the USA for a year. It's a golden opportunity!我从所在的大学获得在美国学习一年的助学金。这真是个千载难逢的机会!He went to Europe to study painting.他去欧洲学习绘画。It's impolite of you to study a girl's face.你这样是不礼貌的,不能紧盯着姑娘的脸。NASA has used the space shuttle to study how materials perform in a weightless environment.美国国家航空航天局利用航天飞机研究物质在失重环境中的表现。He made a desultory attempt to study.他三心二意地进行研究。Some women broke with tradition by going to study abroad.有些妇女摒弃传统,到国外学习。The rehearsals make it difficult for her to study for law school exams.排练使她难以专心准备法学院的考试。Some people read for pleasure, and others read to study.有的人读书是为了怡情,而有的人是为了增长学识。Sarah was given the opportunity to study at the Cooper Union School of Art.萨拉获得了就读库珀艺术联校的机会。It would advantage her to study harder.更努力地学习对她会有好处。He urged her to study English.他极力劝她学习英语。Mark often took his books to Bess's house to study.马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child.狄克忆起小时候曾经到巴黎学音乐。You have to settle down to study now.你现在得安下心来学习了。We all knuckled down to study just before final exams.就在期末考前,我们开始埋头苦读。He can't go with you; he has to study up tonight.他不能和你去玩了,他今晚得用功应付考试了。Some students disincline to study.有些学生不愿学习。In order to be a doctor, you have to study for six years.要成为一名医生,你得修读六年。Parents should set aside a time for their children to study, a period sheltered from television.父母应给孩子们规定一段温课的时间,在此时间内不得看电视。Her mother did all she could to encourage Tracy to study medicine.特蕾西的母亲用了各种可能的办法来鼓励她学医。I intend to study abroad.我打算出国留学。Praise stimulated the child to study hard.表扬激励孩子用功读书。Two scientists were deployed to study the problem.两名科学家被调来研究这一问题。The government got together a group of experts to study the problem.政府召集了一批专家来研究这个问题。He had made two expeditions to Spain to study wild plants.他两次远行,去西班牙考察野生植物。I plan to study journalism at college.我打算读大学时学新闻专业。She gladly/eagerly embraced the opportunity/chance to study abroad.她非常高兴/迫不及待地接受了出国学习的机会。I haven't had time to study the proposals yet.我还没有时间去仔细研究那些提议。The boy is not disposed to study.这男孩不喜爱读书。Those wishing to study urban development have a ready-made example on their doorstep.那些想要研究城市发展的人眼下就有一个十分现成的范例。 |