例句 |
A man had a natural right to subsist on the crops he grew on his own land.靠在自己土地上种的粮食生存是任何人的天赋权利。The workers are expected to subsist on a dollar a day.工人们只有靠一天一美元的收入勉强度日。We had to subsist on bread and water.我们不得不靠少量的面包和水维持生存。Most employees have second jobs simply to subsist.为了糊口,大多数雇员都做着兼职。Old people often have to subsist on very low incomes.老人往往不得不依靠很低的收入来维持生计。Almost every employee must moonlight in second jobs simply to subsist.只是为了维持生计,几乎每个职员都要偷偷地做兼职。 |