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词汇 terrain
例句 Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破烂不堪的皮卡车成功穿越了沙漠地带。They had to drive very slowly over the difficult terrain.地势崎岖难行,他们只得把车开得很慢。The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.那个地带很快就从耕地变成了沙漠。The climbers clawed their way up the steep terrain.攀登者沿着陡峭的地势缓慢地向上攀爬。There is a stark beauty to the desert terrain.沙漠地貌自有一种荒凉之美。The car is bouncing over rough terrain.汽车在高低不平的路面上颠簸而行。The mountainous terrain rules out most forms of agriculture.多山的地形使大多数农耕形式都无法采用。They hiked through rough terrain/country.他们徒步穿越高低不平的地带/乡间。Emerald cane fields finger their way into the rugged terrain.绿色的甘蔗田像手指般延伸进崎岖不平的地带。My tyres took quite a punishing on the rough terrain.我的车胎在崎岖的地面上磨损得很厉害。They were not prepared to hike over such treacherous terrain.在如此危险的地带徒步旅行,他们并没有做好准备。The vehicle easily maneuvered through rocky terrain.那辆车轻松地开过了多石地带。He surefootedly made his way through the difficult terrain.他稳健地穿过难走的地带。Thanks to the lay of the land the area is superb biking terrain.拜地形所赐,这一地区特别适合骑车。We had to drive over some rough terrain.我们不得不驶过那些崎岖不平的地带。The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.在这个地区的制高点能够看到洛杉矶的全景。The city should not overlook the natural terrain.城市不应该忽视自然环境。They had been travelling over the dry desert terrain for five days.他们在干旱的沙漠地带游历了五天。The terrain on the island varies quite a bit.岛上地形多变。The army uses satellites to help soldiers navigate unfamiliar terrain.军队利用卫星给士兵在不熟悉的地形上导航。Boots are the best footwear on rough terrain.在崎岖复杂的地形上行走,穿靴子最好。This is difficult terrain to travel across.这里是不易通过的地带。The terrain was humped into low ridges.地面形成了一个较低的脊状突起。How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?He trekked across some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world.他长途跋涉,穿越了世界上一些最荒凉的地带。The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.敌人一直都占有熟悉丘陵地形的优势。We'll be hiking over difficult terrain.我们将徒步穿越崎岖的路段。The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.敌方总是会占据熟悉崎岖地形的优势。The mountain terrain poses particular problems for civil engineers.这种高山地势给土木工程师带来了特殊问题。The terrain gave little scope for defence.这种地形无法防御。The car handles particularly well on rough terrain.这种汽车特别适宜在崎岖不平的地带行驶。That country has become a lawless terrain overrun with outlaw bands.那个国家已经变成亡命之徒横行不法的地盘。It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.我们花了一整天才艰难穿过那片岩石地带。The terrain varies as you climb higher.你越往高处攀爬,地形也随之产生变化。The commander had made a detailed study of the terrain.指挥官对地形作了缜密的调查。Tank warfare dominated campaigns in open terrain.开阔地带战役以坦克战为主。




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