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词汇 bet
例句 He says that he was so ill he had to be sent home from school. I bet he's skiving.他说他病得很重,得把他从学校送回家去。我敢肯定他是想逃课。His bet was that the horse would win.他曾预言这匹马会胜出。We usually have a bet on the Grand Prix.我们经常在国际汽车大奖赛上赌一赌。Textiles are a good bet for a country bent on industrialisation.纺织业对于致力于工业化的国家来说是个比较稳妥的产业。I'll bet you ten to one he'll forget all about it.我和你打赌,他十有八九会把这事忘得干干净净。I bet that corner shop's a goldmine.我敢肯定,那家街角小店很赚钱。I'd bet most people feel the same way.我确信大多数人对此有同感。Don't bet the farm on these stocks.不要在这些股票上孤注一掷。I bet I can beat you to the front door!我打赌我能比你先到前门。Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races.职业赛马骑师禁止对赛马结果下注。I wouldn't bet against her. She's very likely to win this race.我不会赌她输。她很有可能赢得这场比赛。I think it's a pretty safe bet that he'll get the job.我想他得到这份工作应该不成问题。I'll bet they'll taste out of this world.我敢肯定它们的味道会非常好。I was tempted to place a large bet.我禁不住诱惑下了一个大赌注。Nobody will bet one penny that they will succeed.谁也不会花一个子儿打赌说他们会成功。Why, I bet you never had the slightest intention of keeping your promise.嗨,我敢说你从来没打算要遵守诺言。I wouldn't bet against him winning the championship this year.我不会下注赌他今年拿不到冠军。Textiles are a good bet for a country bent on industrialization.对于决心要进行工业化的国家来说,发展纺织业是切实可行的选择。He has a bet on the game.他对这场比赛下了赌注。I bet Charles has taken it.我敢肯定查尔斯把它拿走了。Wool is still the best bet in winter clothing.冬令服装仍以毛料最为理想。Now for a surprise! I bet you can't guess who's coming to dinner!接下来有一个惊喜!我敢肯定你猜不到谁会来吃晚饭!If the President supports him it's a sure bet that he'll get a seat in Congress.如果总统支持他,那么他准会在国会里占一席位。Putting your savings in a high-interest account is a good bet.把你的积蓄存进高利率储蓄户头是明智之举。You can bet your bottom dollar he's going to be late! 他肯定会迟到!I'll bet you walked off with my coat, too.我打赌你还顺手拿走了我的大衣。He hired a sure bet to write the script.他雇了一位靠得住的作者来写剧本。I bet you the train will be late.我敢肯定火车要晚点。I bet you were a little devil when you were younger.我敢说你年轻一点的时候是个小淘气鬼。He said he'd finish by tomorrow, but I wouldn't bet on it.他说他明天之前完成,可我认为不大可能。I bet he's still in the sack.我可以肯定他还在睡觉。They've really jazzed it up in here but I bet the food's still the same.他们这地方添了许多花样,不过我肯定食物仍旧是一成未变。The company does not bet its own money on equities, and so is shielded from market risk.该公司没有把自己的钱押在普通股上,这样就规避了市场风险。I'll bet that he makes the next shot.我赌下个球他能进。He and his brother have a bet about who can finish his chores first.他和弟弟打赌,看谁能先干完家务活。I've placed a bet on a horse in the next race.我在下一场比赛的一匹马上下了赌注。Come and sit down, I bet you're exhausted.来,坐下吧,你肯定累坏了。He paid his brother five dollars to settle the bet.他付给弟弟五美元结清了赌金。I bet that computer knocked you back several hundred.我敢说那台电脑花了你几百块钱。I bet your family will be glad to see you when you get back to civvy street.我敢肯定你的家人看到你重过平民生活会很高兴的。




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