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词汇 tearful
例句 Defeat left her tearful, pale and drained.失败使她泪水涟涟、面色苍白、精疲力竭。I was tearful all the time and I lost my confidence.从头到尾我都想哭一场,我失去了信心。The mother was trying to comfort the tearful little girl.母亲在试图安慰泪水汪汪小女孩。He suddenly became very tearful.他突然之间痛哭流涕。A tearful husband repeated calls for help in catching the fiend who battered his wife.泪流满面的丈夫不断呼喊求助,想抓住毒打他妻子的恶棍。Her tearful eyes brightened with interest.她含着泪水的双眼因为好奇而闪闪发亮。I was distraught and let out a bellow of tearful rage.我心烦意乱,流着眼泪发了一通火。She became very tearful when pressed to talk about it.她被逼谈论此事时开始泪如雨下。After a tearful farewell at the airport , we went our separate ways.在机场含泪告别后,我们便各自踏上了自己的旅程。Henri and Nancy finally said their tearful goodbyes.亨利和南希终于挥泪告别。She sounded angry and tearful.她听起来很气愤,带着哭腔。His tearful family came to pay their last respects.他全家含泪前来向其遗体告别。Getting lost is a tearful experience for a young child.迷路对幼童来说是一种伤心的经历。He looked up at me with his tearful eyes and asked for help.他含着泪水抬头看着我,请求帮助。Paul was tearful and shocked by how angry his father was.父亲大发脾气,把保罗吓哭了。Her tearful face and pathetic appeal really got under his skin.她泪流满面,神情哀伤,确实深深打动了他。I became bad-tempered and tearful with my boyfriend.我和男朋友闹别扭了,情绪不好,还眼泪汪汪的。A smile spread across his tearful face.他破涕为笑。I felt emotional-almost tearful.我情绪激动 - 差点儿落泪。She had a tearful reunion with her parents at the airport.她和父母在机场重逢,流下了眼泪。You may feel tearful in situations where you feel conspicuous.觉得自己身处众目睽睽之下时,你可能会有想哭的感觉。Katy's always a bit tearful when it's time to go back to school.到了该回学校的时候,凯蒂总是哭哭啼啼的。John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace.约翰轻轻推开抱着他哭泣的妹妹。




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