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词汇 germ
例句 This was the germ of a book, and he scribbled a few notes on a napkin.这就是一本书的缘起,当时他在一张餐巾纸上潦草地做了一些笔记。It's just the germ of an idea, but something may come out of it.这只是个初步的想法,但是也许能有所成就。The germ of a story began to form in his mind.一个故事在他的脑海里萌生。The epidemic was caused by a deadly germ.这一流行病是由一种致命细菌引起的。Counting is the germ of arithmetic.计数是算术的基础。This was the germ of a book.这是一本书的源起。The germ of his idea came from watching a bird make a nest.他的想法萌发自观察小鸟筑巢。The germ of an idea took root in Rosemary's mind.罗斯玛丽的头脑里萌生了一个想法。The germ of an idea took root in Rosemary's mind.罗斯玛丽心里萌生了一个念头。The germ destroyed hundreds of millions of lives.这种细菌摧毁了数以亿计的生命。It's a germ that causes sore throats.病菌导致喉咙疼。The prize was a tangible testimony that she had got a germ of writing ability.这个奖是一个具体的证明,说明她具有创作才能。




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