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Her husband sounds like a real tartar.她丈夫听起来像是个很凶的人。Plaque and tartar need to be removed so that gums do not become diseased.需要去除齿菌斑和牙垢,这样齿龈就不会患病了。Their new boss is a bit of a tartar.他们的新老板有些强悍。Lumps of tartar push the gum away and allow infection into the tooth socket.一块块牙石造成牙龈萎缩,使传染物得以进入牙槽。Brushing prevents a build-up of plaque and tartar on the teeth.刷牙可防止牙斑和牙垢的堆积。She can be quite a tartar.她有时真是个悍妇。The dentist scraped the tartar off the boy's teeth.牙医刮去那男孩牙齿上的牙石。 |