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词汇 take it
例句 A paramilitary group attempted to commandeer the bus and take it to Madrid.一个准军事组织试图征用这辆公共汽车并把它开到马德里去。If you take it in turns, then everyone gets a chance.如果你让轮流进行,那么每个人都会得到一次机会。Just fill in the form and take it along to your local bank.只要填好这张表格,并把它拿到你当地的银行就行了。I just had to take it on trust that he would deliver the money.我只能这么想,希望他会把钱送来。I tried to press money on him for my half of the bill, but he refused to take it.我试图把账单上该我付的那一半钱强塞给他,但他不要。This is our last chance and we shall need to take it if we are to compete and survive.这是我们最后的机会,如果我们想要竞争并存活下来的话,就一定要抓住这次机会。I want to take it a step further. 我想再推进一步。Please stop! I can't take it any more.停下来!我再也受不了了。Simply fill in the coupon and take it to your local store.只要把这张优惠券填好,拿到当地的商店去就行。Waiter, this soup is terrible. Please take it back. 服务员,这汤太难喝了,请退回厨房。He was advised by his doctor to pull up and take it easy.医生劝他要克制自己,并且不要着急。You may take it from me that ...你可以相信我的话… The butter will soften up if you take it out of the fridge.如果你把黄油从冰箱里拿出来,它会变软的。They can offer any amount of advice, but it's of no use unless you're willing to take it.他们会提供无数建议,但是除非你愿意接受,否则都没用。You can take it in turns to babysit.你们可以轮流代人照看孩子。She failed her history class and has to take it again.她历史考试不及格,只得重考。If they offered me the job I'd take it like a shot.如果他们要我去干这份工作,我一定马上接受。When you resume work after this illness, you will have to take it easy for a while.你这次病好以后恢复工作时,得先干一段时间轻活。There were too many things happening all at once - I couldn't take it all in.同时发生了太多事情,我无法全都弄明白。I take it you've heard about Ben and Carol splitting up.我以为你已经听说本和卡罗尔分手的事了。I'm going to put my feet up and take it easy this afternoon.今天下午我打算架起脚来休息一下。It's an awkward corner, so take it slowly.这个转弯不好过,开慢点儿。He seemed to take it for granted that he would be invited to the party.他似乎想当然地认为自己会受邀参加聚会。He was approached about the job but he didn't take it.有人跟他谈了那份工作的事,但他没有接受。Don't rush at the job, take it slowly.这活儿急不得,要慢慢做。You've been working too hard. You need to slow down and take it easy for a while.你工作太过辛苦了,需要放慢节奏,轻松一会儿。When I'm on vacation, I just like to take it easy and go with the flow.我休假时喜欢不慌不忙,顺其自然。I'm sorry you didn't get the job, but don't take it out on me. 很遗憾你没有得到那份工作,但别拿我出气。Stop tinkering with that clock and take it to the repair shop.别摆弄那只钟了,把它送到修理店去修吧。My watch sometimes goes wrong. When it does that, I take it to a watchmaker.我的表有时走得不准。它走得不准时,我就拿到钟表匠那儿去修。That's a good point, and we should take it into consideration.说得好,我们应该考虑。I just couldn't take it any more. I left the next day.我实在忍无可忍,第二天就走了。So can we take it that you'll be at the meeting?那么我们能不能认为你会来参加会议呢?I'd tell him what I'd found out and he could take it from there.我会把我的发现告诉他,以后的事可由他负责。Get the check ready for mailing and take it to the post office.准备好支票,拿到邮局寄出去。OK, everybody. Let's take it from the top. 好吧,各位,咱们从头开始吧。He will take it amiss if you refuse his invitation.如果你拒绝他的邀请,他会生气的。She takes it upon herself to speak personally with the parents of all her students.她负起责任亲自和所有学生的家长谈话。I saw him trying to press a wad of cash into the woman's hand. She wouldn't take it.我看见他想把一沓钱塞进那女人的手里,她不肯拿。Just take it, no one will ever know.把它拿走吧,没人会知道。




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