例句 |
It will only take a moment to clean this mess up.只要一小会儿就能把这块脏乱的地方清理好。Let's take a moment to consider.让我们花点时间考虑一下。Please do be seated. This won't take a moment.请坐下,不会要很长时间。You can wait if you like. It won't take a moment.要是愿意你可以等。时间不会很长。This won't take a moment.这花不了多少时间。It should only take a moment to fix the problem.这个问题只稍片刻工夫就能解决。It will only take a moment to mop up the spill.只要一小会儿就能擦掉溢出来的东西。I would like to take a moment to sum up the facts that I presented earlier.我想用点时间归纳一下我前面说过的事实。We need to take a moment to draw breath and try to decided on our next move.我们需要休息一会,决定我们下一步的行动。I would like to take a moment to summarize the facts that I presented earlier.我想用点时间概括我前面陈述的事实。 |