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词汇 tailored
例句 He wore a nicely tailored suit.他穿着一套精心定做的西服。The services are attractively priced and are tailored to suit individual requirements.服务费价格诱人且内容按个人需求量身定制。The service is tailored to meet your needs.此项服务应您的需求量身定制。Her tailored suit fitted neatly, hiding the slight bulges of middle-age.她这身订做的衣服非常合身,把人到中年微微发福的体态掩盖了起来。By tapping into the comprehensive property management skills in the group, we can create a tailored one-stop solution for the client.通过利用该小组全面的资产管理技能,我们能为客户量身定做一站式解决方案。Silk rep drapes well and is suitable for tailored curtains and pelmets.丝质棱纹平布悬挂起来很漂亮,适合做定制的窗帘和窗帘帷幔。The designers are planning a tailored office.设计师们正在规划一间简单又实用的办公室。The overcoat is well tailored.这大衣做得很好。Our jersey T-shirt works perfectly with more tailored outfits.我们的针织长袖衫与多种样式的合身套装都特别搭。Customers are increasingly demanding a tailored service.顾客们对定制服务的需求日益增加。She was wearing a beautifully tailored suit.她穿着一身量身定制的精美套装。She wore a softly tailored suit.她穿了一身剪裁得体、非常服帖的套装。Much thought is put into the mix, which is individually tailored to a client's needs.充分考虑各个因素,根据客户的需求量身定制了组合。The project clearly requires a tailored computer system.这个项目显然需要一种特制的电脑系统。The coaching is informal and tailored to individual needs.这种训练不拘形式,按个人的需要制订。All our courses can be tailored to the needs of individuals.我们所有的课程都可以根据个人需要而开设。They tailored the show for/to younger audiences.他们为年轻观众专门制作了这个节目。They live in a model city, custom-tailored to their needs.他们住在完全按他们的需要建造的模范城里。We tailored the part specifically for her.这个角色是我们专门为她量身打造的。Each course has to be tailored to the needs of the individual.每门课程都必须根据个人的需要而设计。The account offered by the bank will be tailored exactly to your needs.银行提供的账户会完全按照你的需求量身定制。The classes are tailored to suit learners' needs.课程根据学习者的需要而设计。I had my suit tailored.我的西装是定做的。This dress was tailored to complement her fullness.这条连衣裙裁剪得衬托出她丰满的体型。Treatment is tailored to the needs of each patient.治疗方案针对各个病人的需要进行制订。All newbies are offered an individually tailored training programme.为所有的网上新手都量身定做的训练程序。He tailored himself to the job.他使自己适应这项工作。All newbies are offered an individually tailored training and development programme.每位新人都有量身定制的培训和发展计划。




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