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词汇 tacit
例句 The question was a tacit admission that a mistake had indeed been made.问这个问题实际上等于默认确实出了差错。It is about Australia's tacit endorsement of a corrupt political regime.事关澳大利亚对一个腐败政权的默许。Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals.你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。By the tacit consent of everyone, his incognito has been respected.在大家的默许下,他的化名身份得到了尊重。She felt that she had her parents' tacit approval to borrow the car.她觉得父母已默许她借车。My attitude was taken as a tacit admission of guilt.我的态度被当作默认有罪。The deal had the tacit approval of the President.这笔交易得到总统的默许。There was a tacit agreement that he would pay off the loan.由他偿清贷款是大家已达成的默契。The rebels enjoyed the tacit support of elements in the army.反叛分子得到了军队中部分势力的暗中支持。




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