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词汇 sympathized
例句 She sympathized with these poor people because of the way she herself had suffered.她同情这些穷人,因为她自己受过苦。She was a tenderhearted creature, who sympathized with everyone.她是一个软心肠的人,对任何人都同情。We sympathized with our classmate whose mother was very ill.我们十分同情那位母亲得了重病的同学。Everyone sympathized with the anti-colonial cause.大家都支持反殖民主义事业。She sympathized with their cause.她支持他们的事业。Everyone sympathized with Bruce.大家都同情布鲁斯。In fact, many sympathized with me for having to put up with such a neanderthal of a boss.实际上,很多人同情我不得不忍受这样一个粗鲁的老板。The public sympathized with the miners' strike.公众支持矿工罢工。He liked Max, and sympathized with his ambitions.他喜欢马克思,而且认同他的志向。Most of the people living there sympathized with the guerrillas.住在那里的大多数人支持游击队。We sympathized with the bereaved family.我们很同情这个遭受丧亲之痛的家庭。My parents sympathized with my eagerness to move out.我父母体谅我想搬出去住的急切心情。




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