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词汇 swollen
例句 Brian's toe is still badly swollen and he cannot put on his shoe.布赖恩的脚趾还是肿得很厉害,穿不上鞋。The glands in my neck are a little bit swollen.我颈部的腺体有点肿胀。The window frame was swollen shut.窗框胀得变了形,窗子关得死死的。My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see.我的双眼肿得几乎没法看东西了。Her mammary glands were swollen and painful.她的乳腺又肿又痛。Her legs were so swollen she had to cover them up.她的双腿肿得很厉害,她只好把它们遮住。She was swollen with contentment.她感到十分满足。She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus.她解下绷带,露出红肿渗脓的伤口。His ankle was sore and very swollen.他脚踝疼,还肿得厉害。Her face was still very swollen.她的脸仍然肿得厉害。His eye is hideously swollen.他的一只眼睛肿得吓人。His face had swollen up because of the operation.手术后他的脸肿了起来。She's gone to bed with swollen glands and a temperature.她因腺体发炎和发烧上床休息了。Her whole arm had swollen up.她整条胳膊都肿了起来。Her face was blotchy and her eyes swollen.她满脸斑痕,眼睛肿胀。His ankle is bruised and quite badly swollen.他的脚踝挫伤了,肿得很厉害。He had the watery eyes and swollen nose of a drinker.他泪水汪汪,鼻子红肿,是个酒鬼。After the plastic surgery I had two black eyes and my face was very swollen. But I knew it would be worth it.整容手术之后,我双眼发青,而且肿得非常厉害。但我知道这是值得的。Her eyes were all red and swollen from crying.她两眼哭得又红又肿。One of her eyes was swollen shut.她的一只眼睛肿得睁不开了。Jacob lay on the bed with his mouth open. His face was purple and grotesquely swollen.雅各布张着嘴躺在床上,发紫的脸肿得很难看。His right eye had almost swollen shut.他的右眼肿得几乎睁不开。The river was swollen after the floods.洪水过后这条河涨水了。He pulled his sock carefully over his swollen ankle.他小心地把短袜拉上肿胀的脚踝。He gently rubbed his swollen nose.他轻轻地揉着肿胀的鼻子。The wood had become swollen from prolonged immersion.因长时间浸泡,木头发胀了。Several houses were carried away when the swollen river suddenly changed its course.当汹涌的河水突然改道时,有几所房屋被冲走了。He developed the swollen belly and jaundiced skin of terminal liver failure.他在肝功能衰竭晚期出现了腹部肿胀和皮肤黄疸。His ankle is swollen and painful to the touch. 他的脚踝肿起来了,一碰就疼。His throat began to feel swollen and constricted.他开始觉得喉咙肿胀发紧。The swollen side of my jaw is still tender.我下巴肿起的一边仍然一碰就痛。Her wrist was swollen and tender.她的手腕肿了,一碰就疼。Your hand looks very swollen, I think you should pay a visit to the doctor.你的手看上去非常肿,我认为你应该去看一下医生。The stream is swollen because of the heavy rain.天下了大雨,溪水涨了。My mouth was tender and swollen where he had hit me.我嘴上被他打过的地方一碰就痛,还肿了起来。Some people were swollen by victory.一些人被胜利冲昏头脑。She was looking very woeful, with her eyes red and swollen.她的眼睛又红又肿,看起来十分悲伤。The sky, swollen like a black bladder, rumbled and crackled.天空中乌云黑沉沉地压下来,发出隆隆声和噼啪声。The child was in pain because his larynx was all red and swollen.这孩子在遭受疼痛,因为他的喉头又红又肿。Her throat was so swollen that she couldn't get the tablets down.她喉咙肿得很厉害,吞不下药片。




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