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词汇 actresses
例句 The city is a lodestone for aspiring actors and actresses.这座城市吸引着有追求的演员们。The actresses were wearing vivid historical costumes.女演员们穿著鲜艳的古装。Beautiful actresses are a dime a dozen.漂亮的女演员有的是。She has a talent for mimicking famous actresses.她有模仿著名女演员的天赋。She has written some wonderfully meaty parts for older actresses.她曾为年长的女演员写过一些特别精彩的台词。Age is a real bogey for actresses.年龄对女演员来说绝对是个大困扰。Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs.和许许多多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最后只能端端盘子,在办公室打打零工。The award confirmed her status as one of the great movie actresses.这一奖项奠定了她作为杰出的女影星之一的地位。Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms.超级宝贝詹妮·麦卡锡暗示了在乌烟瘴气的好莱坞演艺圈内年轻女演员必须经历的种种考验。Age is another bogey for actresses.年龄是另一个让女演员头疼的问题。Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses.电影是一个对女演员来说机会有限的行业。There are many would-be actors and actresses in Hollywood.在好莱坞有许多想要成为男女演员的人。In the past he dallied with actresses and lady novelists.他过去曾与许多女演员和女小说家调情。Some actresses and opera singers have temperament.有些女演员和唱歌剧者容易兴奋。The bar is frequented by wannabe actresses and film directors.这家酒吧经常有梦想成名的女演员和电影导演光顾。She is one of the most capable and versatile actresses in Hollywood.她是好莱坞最能干且多才多艺的演员之一。His name has been linked with several famous actresses since he and his wife separated last year.自从去年他和妻子分居以后,他的名字就与几个著名女演员联系在一起。Foreign actresses are wooing Tinseltown's movie magnates.外国女演员们争相追逐好莱坞影视巨头。Julia Roberts is one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood.朱莉娅·罗伯茨是好莱坞最出名的女演员之一。Compared to other actresses of her generation, she is a true original.比起同时代的其他女演员,她是个真正的不平凡的人。The role of the mother was played by one of Australia's finest actresses.那个母亲的角色由澳大利亚最出色的女演员之一扮演。Drama critics have put her on a level/par with the great Shakespearean actresses.剧评家把她和一些伟大的莎剧女演员相提并论。The Drama Centre is a great help for all would-be actors and actresses.戏剧中心对所有想当演员的人都有极大的帮助。He dallied with actresses and lady novelists.他与女演员和女小说家们调情。Thanks in part to her performance in that movie role, she became one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood.她在那部影片中的表演在某种程度上使她成为好莱坞最受欢迎的女演员之一。Every week a fresh scandal emerges about ministers carrying on with film actresses and call girls.每个星期都传出新的丑闻,说某某部长和女演员或是应召女郎胡搞。He plastered his room with pictures of actors and actresses.他在他房间里贴满了男女演员的照片。The play features two young actresses.这出戏由两个年轻女演员主演。She is currently one of the most popular actresses in Shanghai.她是目前上海最受欢迎的女演员之一。




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