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词汇 浪费
例句 It wastes energy to run the dishwasher half empty.洗碗机里还有一半空间的时候就开机运行浪费能源。All this uneaten food – what a waste!这么多食物没吃,真是太浪费了!Why does he waste his time studying poetry? He'd be better getting some practical experience of business.为什么他把时间浪费在学习诗歌上?他应该获取一些做生意的实际经验。The ad was answered by a lot of time-wasters who didn't even seriously want the job.回复广告的人中有许多人是在浪费别人时间,根本不是真想要这份工作。I think he's just wasting my time.我认为他纯粹是在浪费我的时间。I can't believe we wasted our money on that pathetic comedian last night.我真不敢相信昨晚我们竟然把钱浪费在那个蹩脚的喜剧演员身上。It's a crime to let food go to waste.浪费食物是一种罪过。These old computers are still useful. It seems like such a waste to throw them away.这些旧电脑还能用,把它们扔掉似乎太浪费了。The way we waste this planet's resources is criminal.我们这样浪费地球的资源简直就是犯罪。If you totalled up all the minutes of wasted thoughts throughout the day there would be plenty of time to take adequate and conscious breaks from the keyboard.如果你把整天胡思乱想浪费的每一分钟加起来,就会有充足的时间离开电脑,好好休息一下。I must have wasted two hours trying to fix my car.我肯定已浪费了两小时的时间来修这台机器。You're pouring your money down the plughole. 你这是在浪费你的金钱。This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful.这种行为被认为是浪费而不获认可。Why waste time watching trivial TV programs?何必把时间浪费在没有意义的电视节目上呢?You waste a lot of water by taking a bath instead of a shower.洗盆浴而不洗淋浴,你会浪费大量的水。Nicolas Anelka squandered the chance to score when his touch let him down in front of goal. 尼古拉·安内尔卡在球门前触球不当,浪费了一次进球机会。This wastes precious time.这是在浪费宝贵的时间。We lost valuable time stuck in traffic.堵车浪费了我们宝贵的时间。Don't waste time on trivialities.别把时间浪费在鸡毛蒜皮的小事上。By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.通过投资高效能的工厂,它可以节余很多宝贵的碳信用额来出售给更富有、更浪费的国家。It always angers me to see so much waste.看到如此严重的浪费,我总是感到很气愤。There is no waste and no guess work with a machine that takes care of the exact dosing.用这种机器及不会浪费原料,你也不用取用测量仪去确定剂量。I felt as if my education had been wasted when I couldn't get a job.我找不到工作,觉得我受的教育都浪费了。It's a shame to let that food go to waste.浪费食物太可耻了。The government could have dealt with the problem there and then. It was a wasted opportunity.政府本来可以立即处理这个问题,但机会浪费了。Future generations will not thank us for wasting resources.如果浪费了资源,子孙后代会怪我们的。I'd better not waste any more of your time.我最好别再浪费你的时间了。The current system results in a large amount of wastage. 现行体制导致大量的浪费Don't waste water during the summer drought.夏季干旱期间不要浪费水。British houses are notoriously wasteful of energy.英国房屋浪费能源,是出了名的。She had wasted a few precious seconds.浪费了宝贵的几秒钟。The suicide was described as a senseless waste of a young woman's life.这起自杀案被人形容为一个年轻女子对生命毫无意义的浪费We need to find ways to reduce/avoid unnecessary waste.我们需要想办法减少/避免不必要的浪费He killed ten good years on that job.他在那件工作上浪费了整整十年时间。We piddled the whole morning away doing nothing.我们浪费了一早晨的时光,无所事事。He ruminated on the terrible wastage of consumerism.他反复考虑了消费主义带来的严重浪费问题。He fiddled away the whole afternoon.浪费了整整一个下午。Why waste money on such extravagances?为什么把钱浪费在这些奢侈品上呢?All thinking people realize that we must stop wasting our natural resources.所有有头脑的人都意识到,我们必须停止浪费自然资源。The group says it wants politicians to stop wasting public money on what it believes are frivolous projects.这个团体表示希望从政者不要再把公帑浪费在一些它认为无关痛痒的项目上。




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