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词汇 浪费时间
例句 It's time we stopped messing around and got busy.我们不要再浪费时间了,该忙正事了。What a waste of time!真是浪费时间It's unproductive to waste time arguing.浪费时间争论是徒劳的。Personally I think it's a waste of time.在我看来,这是浪费时间We used to grumble that we were wasting time learning a dead language.我们过去常常抱怨自己是在浪费时间学一门死语言。Those who shop on Sunday to beat the rush are wasting their time.那些为了在抢购高峰前下手而在星期天购物的人是在浪费时间Look, we don't have much time, so stop pissing about.瞧,我们时间不多了,别再无所事事地浪费时间了。From his standpoint, combing one's hair is a waste of time.照他的看法,梳头是浪费时间He considers it a waste of time.他认为那是浪费时间You're wasting your time trying to start that car. The battery's completely flat.你要启动那辆车是浪费时间,电池一点电也没有了。I can't believe you waste your time reading that rubbish. 我无法相信你竟然浪费时间阅读那种无聊的作品。The boss took me to task for wasting time.老板严厉地批评我浪费时间I want this work done quickly, so don't let the grass grow under your feet!赶紧办完这件事,别浪费时间了! The whole thing has been a complete waste of time.整个事情纯粹是浪费时间That meeting was a complete waste of time. I got nothing out of it.那次会议完全是浪费时间。我从中没得到任何收获。I came to the conclusion that therapy was a complete waste of time.我得出结论,那种疗法纯粹是浪费时间I went into medicine to care for patients, not to waste time bickering over budgets.我行医是为了治病救人,而不是浪费时间为预算问题争论不休。If we're just spinning our wheels, let us know and we'll quit.如果我们只是在浪费时间,请告诉我们,然后我们会放弃的。He must have thought Jane was worth it or he wouldn't have wasted time on her, I suppose.我想,他一定认为简值得他这么做,否则他不会在她身上浪费时间Many people think that complaining about bad service is a waste of time.许多人都觉得抱怨服务不佳纯属浪费时间He thinks every meeting is a big time waster.他认为每次会议都是在大量浪费时间Just tell me the main facts; don't waste time on elaboration.只要告诉我主要事实就行了,别浪费时间作详细解释。I thought it was a waste of time moaning about it.我觉得为这事发牢骚是浪费时间All I did was an utter waste of time.我所做的一切完全是浪费时间You can try to change her mind if you like, but you'll be pissing in the wind.你愿意的话可以试着让她改变主意,但你只会是浪费时间It's a waste of time.那是浪费时间We don't want to waste time dickering about minor matters.我们不愿浪费时间来争论琐事。Why do I waste my time playing with a shower like you?我何必浪费时间与你们这样的邋遢鬼玩呢?The movie was a complete waste of time. Need I say more? 看这部电影完全是浪费时间。还要我多说吗?He is dissipating his time and energy on too many different things.他在太多不同的事情上浪费时间和精力。Why waste time on virtual friendships, when there are people out there in the real world who want to spend time with you?为什么要在虚拟世界的友谊上浪费时间?真实世界里就有人愿意和你一起共度时光。You're wasting your time with him and you'll live to regret it.你和他在一起是在浪费时间,总有一天你会后悔的。We should never have gone – it was a total waste of time.我们真不该去 — 那纯粹是浪费时间He did not dally over the choice of a partner.他没有在选择合伙人的问题上浪费时间The whole thing's a complete waste of time.这完全是浪费时间Personally, I think it's a waste of time.在我看来,这是在浪费时间It's typical of Ramon to waste time when he knows we're already late.明知我们已经迟了还在浪费时间,这是雷蒙的典型作风。What a fucking waste of time!真他妈的浪费时间President Roosevelt didn't waste time trying to cuddle up to Wall Street.罗斯福总统从不浪费时间去迎合华尔街。There is a belief among young people that education is a waste of time.年轻人中有一种观点认为教育是在浪费时间




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