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Fans swarmed onto the pitch to celebrate.球迷们涌到球场上进行庆祝。The place swarmed with tourists from abroad.这地方到处都是外国游客。Armed officers swarmed to the scene as paramedics waited on red alert.大批武装警察前往现场,护理人员随时待命。People swarmed to the shops, buying up everything in sight.人们成群地涌向商店,见什么买什么。Spectators swarmed into the stadium.观众成群地涌入体育场。Flies swarmed around the rotting fruit.一群苍蝇围着腐烂的水果。Bees swarmed around the apple tree.苹果树周围是成群的蜜蜂。An army of ants swarmed over the sand-hill.一大群蚂蚁在沙丘上爬动。Ants swarmed up out of the ground and covered her shoes and legs.蚂蚁从地下成群地钻出来,爬满了她的鞋子和双腿。Enemy soldiers swarmed the castle.敌军大举包围了这个城堡。Hundreds of troops swarmed across the border.成百上千的士兵涌过边界。Men swarmed around her, attracted by her beautiful blonde looks.男人们被她金发碧眼的美貌迷得团团转。The school sports field swarmed with clean-limbed young people eager for the day's events.学校操场上到处是健康活泼的年轻人,都热切期盼着当天的活动。Customers swarmed into the store.顾客蜂涌著挤进商店。The bees swarmed around the hive.一群蜜蜂在蜂巢周围飞来飞去。Passengers swarmed the deck.甲板上挤满了旅客。They swarmed across the bridge.他们一窝蜂般挤过大桥。Police swarmed the smuggler's hideout.大批警察包围了走私犯的藏身之处。The castle swarmed with sightseers.这座城堡到处都是观光客。The movie star was swarmed by adoring fans.这位影星被众多粉丝围了起来。 |