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词汇 suspension
例句 A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester.英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。Why don't you jack it up and we'll have a look at the suspension?你为什么不用千斤顶把它托起来让我们看看悬架?The active suspension system gives the car a very smooth ride.这个主动悬架系统使汽车行驶起来非常平稳。The movie version requires greater suspension of disbelief than the book.与原书比起来,电影版更需要观众更大程度地收起疑心,相信那不可能发生之事。The new model has independent suspension.新款安装了独立悬架系统。She was punished by suspension of her driver's license.她受到吊销驾照的处罚。The suspension was a black mark on her record.那次停职是她履历上的一个污点。You could harm the suspension if you drive over rough roads.驾车通过坑洼路面可能损坏悬挂系统。The President has announced the suspension of all military action in the region.总统已经宣布暂停这个地区的所有军事活动。The suspension is designed to cushion passengers from the effects of riding over rough roads.悬架装置用于减轻汽车在崎岖路面行驶时带给乘客的颠簸感。The athlete could face a lengthy period of suspension if found guilty.如果被判有罪,这名运动员可能面临长期禁赛。The power is finely matched to the suspension.汽车悬架刚好能够承载发动机产生的动力。State-of-the-art suspension guarantees a smooth passage over the bumpiest road.最先进的减震悬架保证汽车在最崎岖不平的道路上也可以平稳通行。The bike is the first mass-produced bicycle to have full front and rear suspension.这是首辆大规模生产的装有前后减震装置的自行车。He's now facing suspension after a dust-up with the referee.在与裁判发生争执后他现在面临着停赛。Drink-drivers can reduce their suspension by fitting an interlock.通过安装联锁装置,酒驾司机可降低被吊销驾照的可能性。I think her suspension from the team was a very harsh punishment.我认为她被暂停参加队的比赛是很严厉的处罚。Lacunza ordered the suspension of the elections until further notice.拉昆萨下令暂停选举,等待另行通知。He designed the first great suspension bridge, an idea that combines beauty and function perfectly.他设计了第一座大型吊桥,这种设计理念把美观和实用性结合得十分好。Both sides are now working towards a suspension of hostilities.现在双方都在朝着消除敌意的方向努力。Our car was towed away to have its suspension overhauled.我们的汽车被拖走了,要对悬架进行大修。Many movies require the viewer to engage in a willing suspension of disbelief.许多电影要求观众自觉自愿将不信任暂时撇开。He is serving a one-match suspension.他正在接受停赛一场的处罚。A half-year suspension would rub him out until September.他被禁赛半年,要到九月才能参赛。The report recommended suspension and reconstitution of the district party under redrafted rules.报告建议按新起草的规章暂时中断地区政党的活动并对其进行改组。The car's suspension is so good that when you hit a pothole you hardly notice it.这部车的悬架减震性很好,碰到路面的坑洼几乎察觉不到。If he is found guilty, he could face suspension.如果被发现有过失,他可能会面临停职的处罚。The fight led to his suspension from school.他因那次打架被暂时停学。He was angry about his suspension from the team.他为自己不得不暂时离队而气恼。The athlete received a two-year suspension following a positive drug test.该运动员因尿检结果呈阳性而被停赛两年。There have been calls for the drug's immediate suspension, following reports that it has dangerous side effects.有报道指出这种药物有危险的副作用后,人们呼吁立即停止使用该药。Despite the risk of suspension, he remained defiant.尽管可能会被停职,他仍然桀骜不驯。With its tough suspension and 4-wheel drive, the truck is ideal for driving in the desert.这款卡车悬挂装置结实,四轮驱动,最适合在沙漠里驾驶。He's under suspension for breaking the rules.他因违反规定被暂时停职。US troops around Fallujah, who have been held in suspension waiting for the election result, now know that an assault is imminent.费卢杰周边地区的美军部队一直在按兵不动等待选举结果,现在明白即将发起攻击。Beckham is back after a two-match suspension.贝克汉姆被停赛两场后重新参赛。Another caution will result in his automatic suspension from the final.如果再受到一次警告,他就会被自动停赛,无缘决赛。This car has four-wheel independent suspension. 这辆轿车配有四轮独立悬挂系统。A long suspension bridge joins the two islands.一座长长的吊桥将两个岛屿连接起来。The suspension still keeps the car stable when cornering.减震装置使轿车在转弯时仍然很稳当。




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