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词汇 principle
例句 We're opposed in principle to any form of capital punishment.我们原则上反对任何形式的死刑。The Americans were the first to make law the principle of equal rights for every individual.美国人最早将人人平等的原则写进法律。Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.指导原则是公平,而不是效率。I wish to know if you agree in principle to the idea.我想知道你是否基本同意这个观点。The principle of nuclear fission enters into the operation of a nuclear reactor.核裂变原理是原子核反应堆作用的一部分。She had the integrity to refuse to compromise on matters of principle.她为人正直,拒绝在原则问题上让步。He is a man of high principle.他是节操高尚的人。It was not simply a practical matter, but a fundamental question of principle.那不仅仅是个实际问题,更是一个根本性的原则问题。To take this course would offend against the principle of fairness.这样做会违反公平原则。It is a basic principle of US law, that a person is innocent until proven guilty.一个人被证实有罪之前是清白的,这是美国法律的基本原则。The wing conforms to the same aerodynamic principle.这种机翼符合同一空气动力学原理。The principle of equality is enshrined in our Constitution.平等原则是我国宪法明文规定的。She was torn between principle and desire.她在道德与欲望之间被左右拉扯。Haig went on to elucidate his personal principle of war.海格继续解释他个人的战争原则。Excellent customer service should be our guiding principle.提供完善的客户服务应该是我们的指导原则。Their governing principle is to provide their customers with the best possible products.他们的指导原则是为客户尽可能提供最好的产品。Even the most dovish people disapprove of decommissioning, partly on grounds of principle.连极力主和的人也不同意军舰退役,这一部分是因为原则问题。The two machines work on the same principle.这两部机器的工作原理是一样的。Do you agree with the principle that everyone should pay something towards the cost of health care?每个人都要承担一些卫生保健费用,这个原则你赞同吗?We uphold the principle of racial equality.我们坚持种族平等的原则。I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice.对此我基本同意,但我怀疑这是否真的会发生。She sticks to the principle that everyone should be treated equally.她坚持一视同仁的准则。This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labour relations in this country.这一集体谈判原则已经成为该国劳动关系的重要基础。The trial judge had applied an incorrect principle of law.审判官应用了一条错误的法律原则。She refused on principle to give toy guns to the children.出于原则,她拒绝给孩子玩具枪。I'm not opposed to a core curriculum in principle, but I think requiring a foreign language is unrealistic.原则上我不反对设置基础课程,但我认为要求掌握一门外语是不现实的。I incline to the opinion that this principle extends to cases of religious discrimination.我倾向于认为这一原则也适用于宗教歧视的案例。They accepted the offer in principle.他们基本接受了这个报价。The details are not clear. But in principle a deal is possible.详情尚不清楚,但理论上还是可以达成协议的。It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing.不是钱的问题,而是道德操守问题。She's opposed to abortion on principle.她出于道义的原因反对堕胎。Observance of the law is a matter of principle for us.守法对我们来说是个原则问题。Mrs Henessy was at pains to say that she was fighting for a principle, not just for financial compensation.赫尼斯太太费力地解释说她是在为原则而争取,而不单是为了经济补偿。He's against sex before marriage on principle.他出于道德准则反对婚前性行为。His father, on principle, did not like to hear requests for money.从原则上来说,他父亲不喜欢别人借钱。He dealt with the problem on principle.他根据既定原则处理那问题。The right to withdraw labour is a basic principle of trade unionism.罢工的权利是工会主义的基本原则。The decision had been agreed in principle before today's meeting, but some controversy surrounded it.该决定在今天的会议之前就已达成原则上的共识,但围绕这一决定还存在一些争议。They reject the proposal as a matter of principle.他们拒绝了这一提议,对他们来说这是个原则问题。The principle of a gasoline engine is internal combustion.汽油发动机的工作方式是内燃。




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