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词汇 princess
例句 The hero eventually cops off with the princess.主人公终于和公主勾搭上了。The princess is buried on a small island.公主被埋葬在一个小岛上。The prince and the princess lived happily ever after.从此以后王子和公主就一直过著幸福的日子。The crowd gaped at the princess as she passed by.当公主走过时,人们目瞪口呆地看着她。He swore he could conjure a fairy princess from the glass, but we all laughed.他发誓他能用符咒从那面镜子里召来仙女公主,可我们都笑了起来。The princess in the fairy tale had long silken hair.童话故事里的公主有着如丝般顺滑的长发。Jill was attending on the princess.吉尔当时正在服侍公主。An extraordinary outpouring of grief followed the death of the princess.公主死后,人们悲痛万分。People flocked in their thousands to greet their new princess.成千上万的人蜂拥而来迎接他们的新王妃。The princess made quite a splash in Australia.公主在澳洲引起了轰动。She was dressed out like a princess.她打扮得像公主一样引人注目。She is ice-skating's new crown princess.她将是新一代滑冰女皇。It's official – the princess is to marry next year.已经公布了,公主明年大婚。To everyone's great surprise, the princess arrived at the ball unaccompanied.令所有人都大吃一惊的是,公主独自一人来参加舞会。The princess plans to hand out gifts at a children's hospital tomorrow.王妃计划明天到一家儿童医院去分发礼物。When she was cast in the role of the princess, she was already a known quantity from her work in several films.在扮演公主这个角色时,她已经因在几部影片中的表演而名声在外了。They joined the masquerade in the disguise of a prince and princess.他们扮成王子和公主参加了化装舞会。She's just a stuck-up princess.她只是个高傲自大的美女。The princess treated him with arctic disdain.公主对他很冷淡,瞧不起他。Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Snow White.从前,有一位美丽的公主,叫白雪公主。Photographers were swarming around the princess.摄影师们一窝蜂似地围在公主身边。She was a real-life fairytale princess, pure as the driven snow.她就是现实生活中的童话公主,纯洁如雪。The press were determined to knock the princess off the pedestal that they had put her on.新闻界决心把被他们捧上去的王妃拉下来。I was never convinced by the image of the whiter than white princess depicted in the press.我从不相信报刊杂志上描写的清纯公主的形象。The princess stepped ashore to be greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of admirers.王妃踏上岸,受到一群崇拜者的热烈欢迎。Legend has it that the fairy princess fell in love with a pauper.据传说,那位仙女般的公主爱上了一个贫儿。The princess retired to her chamber in one of the towers of the castle.公主离开返回她在城堡的一座塔楼内的闺房。In the movie, a wicked stepmother acts as a foil to the noble young princess.电影里,一位邪恶的继母衬托那位高贵的小公主。The wicked fairy bewitched the princess and made her fall into a long sleep.那个邪恶的小精灵对公主施了魔法,使她长睡不醒。No one we interviewed spoke critically of the princess or her brother.在我们采访的人中没有一个人对公主或她的哥哥评头论足。The princess tried to project an image of herself as serious and hardworking.公主想为自己树立起认真苦干的形象。The magic slowly begins to work, and the princess starts to come to life again.魔法慢慢开始起作用,公主渐渐苏醒过来。Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a beautiful princess.从前,在一个很远的地方,住着一位美丽的公主。In fairy tales when the princess kisses a frog, it turns into a handsome prince.童话故事里,公主吻了青蛙后,青蛙就变成了英俊的王子。The princess has a habit of biting her fingernails.这位公主有一个咬手指甲的习惯。The princess came face-to-face with a hideous beast.公主面前出现一头可怕的怪兽。Royal-watchers have once again been speculating on the health of the princess.对王室非常关注的人又在猜测公主的健康情况了。The hero in the play is given a magic/love potion so that he will fall in love with the princess.戏中男主人公喝下魔水/爱情汤,就会爱上公主。She was like a princess in a fairy tale.她就像童话中的公主。The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess.巫师使漂亮的公主中了魔法。




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