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词汇 survey
例句 The survey found a wide variation in the prices charged for canteen food.调查发现食堂饭菜的价格相差很大。The survey was valuable as an indicator of local opinion.这项调查作为当地民意的反映是有价值的。He sniffed the perfume she wore, then gave her a quick survey.他闻了闻她身上的香水味,然后又飞快地打量了她一眼。The fifth follow-up survey provides the data for this study.第五次跟进调查为这项研究提供了数据。The results of the client survey are appended to this document.客户调查的结果附在这个文件里面。Now the aim was to crack on with a survey of the lands beyond the mountains.目前的目标是继续勘测山那边的土地。A survey should avoid asking loaded questions.调查应该避免问一些诱导性的问题。The survey studied the incidence of cancer among different occupational groups.这次调查研究了不同职业组别中的癌症发病率。The survey suggests that financial success is closely/strongly/directly related to a person's level of education.调查显示,经济成就与一个人的教育水平有紧密/极大/直接的关联。The future of the school will be decided by the results of this survey.学校的未来将由这次调查的结果来决定。The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put.委员会调查了农场建筑的用途。One of the main findings of the survey was the confusion about the facilities already in place.这项调查的一个主要发现就是对于哪些设备已经到位搞不清楚。A survey is now being carried out nationwide.正在全国范围内进行一项民意调查。This survey shows the percentage of single-parent households in each area.这次调查显示了每个地区单亲家庭的比例。Make a list of the different methods you could use in conducting a survey.把可以使用的不同调查方法都列出来。The survey didn't collect any information about temporary workers.这次调查没有收集临时工的资料。The survey showed that Britain's trees are in good health.调查显示英国的树木状况良好。Seventeen couples participated in the survey.有十七对夫妻参与了这项调查。The survey indicates public discontent with the current administration.民意调查表明公众对目前的政府不满。The survey's findings are a matter of great concern.这次调查的结果备受关注。It would be unwise to draw firm conclusions from the results of a single survey.仅凭一次调查结果就下肯定的结论是不明智的。According to the survey, many young adults have experimented with drugs of some kind.根据此项调查,许多年轻人曾试吸过某种毒品。The survey will bring little cheer to teachers.这次调查不会带给老师们多少愉悦之情。The voter survey is crucial to the timing of the election.进行选民民意调查对大选的时间安排是很重要的。They made their decisions based on the survey data.他们以调查数据为依据进行决策。This latest survey presents a gloomy picture of the Russian economy.最近这次调查显示,俄罗斯的经济形势令人沮丧。Our survey is based on information from over 200 informants.我们的调查以两百多人提供的信息为基础。The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise.政府宣称经济状况在好转,但这份调查显示情况并非如此。According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened.根据这项调查,世界贸易整体上也有所放慢。We regarded the official survey with expectation.我们对官方的调查怀抱期望。Our survey indicates that one in four children is bullied at school.我们的调查表明,有四分之一的孩子在学校受人欺负。The surveyor made a survey of the land.测量员对土地进行了测量。Complete the survey for yourself. Then ask a classmate the questions.完成这份问卷调查。然后问一个同学这些问题。The conclusions of the survey are questionable because the research was based on a very small sample of people.这次调查的结论有问题,因为取样的人数太少。In a survey of customer preference, one model came consistently out on top.在顾客喜好调查中,有一个型号一直胜出。He took an informal poll/survey among his coworkers.他在同事中做了一次粗略的民意测验/调查。The survey highlighted the needs of working women.这个调查突显了职业女性的需求。I found this survey on the Web.我在网上发现了这篇综述。They got out of the car to survey the damage.他们下车查看受损情况。A recent survey of public opinion showed that most people were worried about the increasing crimes.一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。




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