例句 |
Supply did not increase to meet demand.并没有增加供给来满足需求。Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.一般来说,大宗消费品都供过于求。Supply ships have started arriving at ports along the East coast.物资供应船只已经开始抵达东海岸港口。Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance.货币市场上的供求将大致持平。Supply is relative to demand.供应是按需求而定的。Supply is conditioned by demand.供应取决于需求。Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance.货币市场上的供需总的来说会是对等的。You can obtain a copy for $2 from New York Central Art Supply.花两美元就能从纽约艺术用品中心买到一册。 |