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词汇 retired
例句 After Betty retired, she designed and built her dream house.贝蒂退休以后设计建造了自己理想中的房子。When the chairman of Campbell's retired, McGovern was named as his successor.坎贝尔公司的总裁退休后,麦戈文被选定为继任者。Even after he retired, he still woke up early every day by/from force of habit. 尽管已经退休,他还是每天习惯性地早醒。After she retired, Hannah wrote a book about her experiences as a war reporter.汉娜退休以后写了一本书,讲她当战地记者的经历。Following the merger, he was retired with a generous pension.在合并后,他拿了一笔丰厚的养老金后被辞退了。After he retired from football he became a sports journalist for the Gazette.他退出足坛之后在《公报》当体育记者。The retired couple lived a life of ease.这对退休夫妇过著安逸的生活。The house was given rent-free to a retired friend.这房子交由一位退休的朋友使用,不收租金。He found it hard to switch gears when he retired.他发现退休后很难调整好状态。The company did well by me when I retired. 我退休时,公司待我很好。He retired feeling confident that his company was in safe hands.他退休时确信自己的公司已托付给了可靠的人。He was in Congress for many years but he recently retired from public life.他在国会工作了多年,但最近退出了公务生活。I've retired for some time now — but I've not gone quite rusty yet.我退休已有若干时候了,但是我还不十分衰老迟钝。Now he's retired he spends most afternoons exercising his dogs.他已经退休了,下午的时间大都花在了遛狗上。Jim Rutland retired from the Navy last year.吉姆·拉特兰去年从海军退役。She's a lady of leisure now that she's retired.她退了休,现在可是位悠闲的女士了。Mr Palmer was a retired maths master.帕尔默先生是一名退休的数学教师。A few decades ago, the average cruise ship passenger was elderly, affluent, and retired. Not anymore.几十年前,邮轮的乘客一般都是年长富裕的退休人士,现在不再如此了。He's retired now, but his work for the youth club keeps him busy.他现已退休,但还在为青年俱乐部做事,所以一直很忙。He retired and made place for a young person.他退休了,让位给一位年轻人。She's retired.她退休了。It had been a long day, so I retired early.那天我工作了很长时间,所以早早便上床睡觉了。Jackson sold out his share of the business and retired.杰克逊卖掉自己的股份后就退休了。That battleship has been retired from the mothball fleet.那艘军舰已从备役舰队中除役。She retired into the kitchen to wash up.她退到厨房去洗餐具。 He retired the mortgage and was free of debt.他付清了抵押贷款,不再欠债了。My father's retired now.我的父亲现在已经退休。I've persuaded Mrs Tennant that it's time she retired.我已经说服坦南特夫人她该退休了。He has retired from the service of the Crown.他已经从政府部门退下来了。We're just discovering the delights of being retired.我们刚刚开始体会到退休后的种种乐趣。The old boy was believed to be a retired bus driver.据信那老头是个退休的汽车司机。When she retired, she redirected her energy towards her family.退休后,她把精力转移到照顾家人上。He was expected to succeed Jack Smith as CEO when he retired.预计他会在杰克・史密斯退休后接任首席执行官的职位。Since we retired we've been living on our savings and a small pension.退休后,我们一直依靠存款和一点点退休金过日子。He's a retired Army intelligence officer.他是一名退役陆军情报官员。John Doe was appointed postmaster vice Richard Roe retired.约翰‧多伊被任命为邮政局长,取代退休的理查德‧罗。She retired to the country.她退隐到乡下去了。Tony was a retired post-office worker.托尼是个退休的邮局工人。People seem to think that just because I'm retired, I'm past it.人们似乎认为我退休了就不中用了。He retired mentally in the thin veil of smoke that rose across his face.面前轻烟缭绕,他陷入了神思。




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