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词汇 superiors
例句 I am sick of having to truckle to my superiors.我不得不对上司唯命是从,这叫我心里实在难受。He must be given authority from his superiors.他的上司一定给了他授权。She had dutifully reported this to her superiors.她尽职地向上司报告了这件事。Her services have been overlooked by her superiors.她的服务劳绩一直未得上司的重视。They attributed the blame for the reverses to their superiors.他们认为挫折的责任在于他们的上级。I will have to make a full report of the situation to my superiors.我得写一份有关情况的完整报告给我的上级。His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored.他一再试图向上级投诉,但都被挡了回来并置之不理。His superiors moved him to another parish.上级把他派往另一个教区。Don't elevate your superiors to superstar status.别把你的上司捧得跟超级巨星似的。The report he submitted to his superiors accurately reflected the poor morale of the workers.他交给上级的那份报告准确地反映了员工低落的工作情绪。By this show of meekness, he hoped to turn aside his superiors' wrath.他表现得顺从,希望借此避开上司的雷霆之怒。He was very polite to his superiors.他对上司执礼甚恭。If you like to cringe to your superiors, well and good.如果你喜欢巴结上司,那就去巴结好了。I will pass your complaint on to my superiors.我会把您的投诉转达给我的上司。His actions were not sanctioned by his superiors.他的行动并未获得上级批准。He had received a stern rebuke from his superiors.他受到了上司的严厉斥责。He felt constricted by the constant presence of his superiors.他因上司一直在场而感到拘束。The prison governor has refused to let him go, saying he must first be given authority from his own superiors.监狱长拒绝释放他,说他首先必须得到上级官员的许可。His superiors suspended him, and then downgraded him.上级停了他的职,之后又把他降级。As you failed to report to your superiors about what actually happened, you are guilty of misprision.因你没把实际的情况报告上级,你已经犯了知情不报。This could make your superiors hesitate to trust you with major responsibilities.这样会使上级不敢对你委以重任。His stubborn resistance to anything new eventually wore out the patience of his superiors.他始终不愿接受任何新事物,最终让上司失去了耐心。She threatened to report the assistant to his superiors.她威胁说要把助理的事向上级告发。Mr. Fitchel said he made the suggestion in a memo to his superiors.费切尔先生说,他是在写给上司的一封便笺里提出这个建议的。Guy had to obey his superiors, no matter what his private thoughts on the matter.不管自己对这件事的个人想法如何,盖伊必须听从主管的。The quality of his reports brought him to the notice of his superiors.他的报告水平很高,引起了上级对他的注意。He never crawls to his superiors.他对上司从不卑躬屈膝。Store managers saw their superiors as less competent at handling problems.商店经理认为他们的上司在解决问题上能力不足。Some of their clients and superiors will turn a cold shoulder.他们的一些客户和上司将会不予理会。His superiors moved him to another department.上级把他调到另一个部门。Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors.官员们未能将关键信息传达给上级。Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors.其他陆军部队被重重包围,和上级的联系也被切断了。Women who have been harassed by male superiors often don't complain because they are afraid of losing their jobs.受到过男性上司骚扰的女性往往不会去投诉,因为她们害怕失去工作。She resolved to abide the pressure her superiors put on her.她决心顶住上司们向她施加的压力。




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