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词汇 spaghetti
例句 The boy curled the spaghetti around his fork.男孩用叉子卷起意大利细面条。Wheat's the stuff they use to make spaghetti and cereal.小麦是他们用来做意大利通心粉和谷类食品的原料。She ate three plates of spaghetti and a dessert? That's impossible. I don't believe it!她吃了三盘意大利面条和一份甜点?那不可能。我不信!I opened a tin of spaghetti hoops.我打开一罐意大利面圈。The restaurant makes its own delicious bread, to say nothing of a great spaghetti sauce.这家饭店自制美味面包,还有一种很棒的意大利面酱。Do you like spaghetti?你喜欢吃意大利面条吗?The waiter appeared with a huge mound of spaghetti.服务生端着满满一大盘意大利面条出现了。Melissa piled spaghetti onto her plate.梅利莎一个劲往盘子里堆意大利面。The cylindrical glass jars are used for keeping spaghetti in.这些圆柱形玻璃瓶是用来放意大利面条的。Eating spaghetti can be a messy business.吃意大利面可能会弄得周围脏兮兮的。Our favorite Italian restaurant makes its own fresh bread and salad dressing, not to mention a great spaghetti sauce.我们最喜欢的意大利餐厅有自制的新鲜面包和沙拉酱,更不要说美味的意大利细面条酱了。For me, spaghetti bolognese is the ultimate comfort food.对我来说,肉酱意大利面是最佳的怡心食品。I don't like tinned tomatoes/spaghetti/milk.我不喜欢罐装的西红柿/意大利面条/牛奶。He lit into the spaghetti because he loves Italian food.他爱吃意大利食物,所以便狼吞虎咽吃起细条实心面来。Drain the spaghetti well.把意大利面中的水沥干。I ate a salad and a plate of spaghetti.我吃了一份沙拉和一盘意大利面。We were served spaghetti with a marvellous pesto sauce.我们被招待吃了加有上好香蒜调味汁的意大利细面条。Give him a big plate of spaghetti. He likes his food.给他一大盘意大利面条,他很能吃。Nicholas ate a whole dish of spaghetti.尼古拉斯吃掉了一整盘意大利面。Her mum served spaghetti bolognese.她的妈妈端上来意大利肉酱面。Nicholas ate a dish of spaghetti.尼古拉斯吃了一盘意大利面条。You can't go wrong with spaghetti-everyone likes it.选意大利面条不会有错 - 谁都喜欢吃。Put the spaghetti into plenty of boiling salted water.把意大利面放入大量煮沸的盐水中。She was just about to attack a plate of spaghetti when the phone rang.她正要狼吞虎咽地吃一盘意大利细面条时,电话突然响了。He began to feed in the spaghetti, carefully separating the strands.他开始放入意大利面,小心翼翼地将面一根根分开。




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