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词汇 bereaved
例句 Recently bereaved widows often feel they are being shunned by people who don't know what to say to them.刚刚丧夫的寡妇常感觉遭人回避,因为那些人不知道该说些什么。Everyone who has been bereaved has to find his or her own way of coping.每一个痛失亲人或朋友的人都不得不自己想办法应对悲伤。It is generally accepted that the bereaved benefit from counselling.人们普遍认为心理咨询对于遭受丧亲之痛的人有好处。The bereaved were heartened by the condolences they received.死者家属为他们收到的吊唁函电所激励。We sympathized with the bereaved family.我们很同情这个遭受丧亲之痛的家庭。Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort.丁金斯先生前往死者家吊唁。The minister tried to comfort the bereaved.部长尽力抚慰刚刚丧失亲友的人们。The accident bereaved her of her son.那次事故使她痛失儿子。The children were bereaved by the death of their father.孩子们因丧父而成了孤儿。Our sympathies go to the bereaved.我们对死者的亲友表示慰问。He wanted to show his sympathy for the bereaved.他想向死者亲友表示慰问。Illness bereaved them of their mother.疾病夺去了他们的母亲。Parents have joined with health experts to produce a video for bereaved families.家长们和健康专家一起为痛失亲人的家庭拍摄了一段录像。The bereaved parents wept openly.死者的双亲放声痛哭。The sudden death of a loved one can often leave the bereaved with an agonising sense of unfinished business.亲人突然过世,常常会让留在世上的人有一种心愿未了的痛苦。We did not know how to soothe the bereaved mother.我们不知如何安慰那位丧子的母亲。The bereaved mother was pining away with grief.那位失去孩子的母亲因悲伤而日渐憔悴。Sorrow caught the bereaved mother.丧子的母亲悲不自胜。The bereaved mother stood by her son's grave.这位痛失孩子的母亲站在儿子的墓边。




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