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He has the burden of a large family on his shoulders.他肩负着养活一大家子人的重担。We have a responsibility to the human race to deal with global warming.我们对人类肩负着处理全球性气候变暖问题的责任。She was matronized by her children and her responsibilities.作为孩子的母亲,又肩负着各种责任,她扮演起家庭主妇的角色。Governors carry a special burden of responsibility.州长们肩负着特别重的责任。She's got family commitments.她肩负着家庭的责任。She has a lot of responsibility in her job.她在工作中肩负着很多责任。The party was elected with a mandate to reduce the size of government.该党当选时肩负着精简政府机构的使命。 |